
Sunday, 10 March 2019

End Of The Week - Actually (32)

The end of another week of painting 28mm miniatures is here again and his week it has all been about the 1930s and 1940s be that VBCW, Weird World War 2 or Call of Cthulhu. It has been another record breaking week (well maybe personal best is a better phase), for me. I am thirty two (plus a big figure) 28mm closer to the bottom of the lead mountain. As I have said, this is perhaps not the hardest work ad the paint jobs on most of the were fairly uniform. I have also got some terrain finished although it was not the most taxing work either.

I would say that these are the last of the Wargames Foundry Home Guard but for the fact that I am sure that there is one missing and I would like to buy some more to make up a full unit (a platoon with some support) for a VBCW force. There were a few that needed a little work and they were a bit "flashy" but they are older sculpts. The process was enjoyable, especially the character figures.

This is the last of the Royal Marines I got (also from Wargames Foundry) as character figures for the Weird War 2 game. I did not enjoy painting these at all. The faces have really soft detail which made they difficult to painting. The poses were good though and they were what I was after.

Pulp Figures is one of my favourite manufacturers and I would like to paint a lot more of their figures. The cultists from the Weird Menace Range are nice figures. A quick project as there is little to do on them. There is a leadership set and I might get another set.

Another Pulp Figures miniature from the Weird Villains, again in the Weird Menace Range (I assume it's the Crimson Scorpion). I thought I would paint him up in a similar style to the Cultists.

Another Weird Villain is the Stahl Mask. If the above figure is a major bad guy, this could well be a recurring henchman. A nice easy figure to paint.

Then there is a French resistance figure from Warlord. I am not sure if he is the last one but he is certainly the last one I can find. I relatively quick job that fits in well with what I have done this week.

The big figure was another simple one and something that I have been working on for a while.I am pretty sure that it is a Grim Reaper Miniatures figure that I retrieved from a bargain bin for £2 last year. It is definitely not a D&D purple worm. Definitely not.

Next week is going to be an interesting one. I might have a bit more time on my hands but I am not sure what I want to do with that time. There are some modern stuff to do which was purchased for a superhero game. In reality I probably need some more of these before you start the project or they will all look wrong. There are some Star Wars Legion rebels to do but I want to make some alterations to them and I need some green stuff to make that happen. What is more likely that I will work on some more dark age stuff. Whilst I wouldn't put money on it, I think this last dozen figures are actually the last of the stuff I got for the Viking game back in 2013. This should probably end the project but I doubt it. This may change yet.

All this assumes that I can get some figures primed. Despite easter being around the corner, it looks like this is going to be a bad week for the weather. There are weather warnings until the end of the week. It might be difficult to use spray primer in the wind even if the temperature goes up.

By my reckoning (and the blog title is really starting to sound like a name with a purpose) I am actually ahead of even my most optimistic target. I am pretty sure that this brings me to just over a hundred figures


  1. Good work Fred especially the purple robed fellas!

    1. Cheers. O loved these figures as soon as I saw them. Then waited about ten years to buy them. I am very happy with the way things turned out.

  2. Really nice looking figures, well painted!

    1. Cheers Wouter. I really enjoyed myself with these figures this week.
