
Sunday, 8 October 2017

Zomtober Week 2

This week of Zomtober has been focus on the The Walking Dead's All Out War expansion, Days Gone Bye. It's another six figures, four survivors and two zombies. The zombies were getting tinkered about with last week and it is the survivors that I have been "concentrating" on. It has to be said that my focus has kind of gone towards the end of the week and there are probably a few details that still need addressing.

These are two of the most characterful zombies in the game. I love these figures and they are ones that are likely to feature a lot.
The four survivors, all from the Atlanta Camp have turned out okay. Some of the hands look a bit out but I think this is down to the moulding rather than the paint job. I am always a bit disappointed when I look at the pictures on Mantic's website and compare them to my paint job but I guess that the pro painted one are early run and have better hands and have fewer mould lines.
The shading on the collar on the figure in the red shirt has turned out really badly in the picture. It is better in real life but I will give this a bit more attention in time.

Anyway, the week ahead is probably going to be some form of the Miles Behind Us expansion. It's aither going to be the full box set or I might just try and concentrate on the Green household (with a couple of extra figures) and if I am feeling do the two zombie figures for the set as well.


  1. Very nice work!
    I hear what you say about "early run" mini's, but trust me, they look just fine. So much so that I think I'm finally going to crack and get some myself!!

    1. Thanks for that. I am not normally someone who craves reassurance but there sis something about actually painting minis, you become intimately familiar with the figures and the foibles that can make you doubt what you are doing.

  2. Great stuff Fred! You're right about those zombies, they have a lot of character, can't wait to get some paint on mine.

    1. I have another bunch of zombie to prime up. For some reason I love painting zombies, the chaos of them just speaks to me. Really what I need is more survivors.

  3. Excellent work Fred, and impressive output for week 2. :)

    1. Cheers. Not as low as some and not as good as others. I was thinking I would be one of the bigger contributors (in terms of numbers anyway) but I am not so sure.

  4. great work. I really love these TWD minis

  5. I like TWD minis on a lot of levels. They kind of speak to me as a fan of the show and the comic.

  6. Fab work. I am about to embark on TWD game so consider these as inspiration. :)

    1. Jeez Simon, you will have me thinking I can paint well if you carry on. Thanks for the kind words.

  7. Definitely those zombies look cool. They've all painted up rather well, and it certainly is fun to see all these TWD figures as it looks such a cool game.
