
Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Start Of The Week - Curse Of The Lizardmen

I get round to finishing things off. Most people do. However I finish things off eventually. There is always a plan which is usually made with good intentions. I guess like many of you a large number of of my plans involve clearing or at least making some headway into the lead mountain.
Even though I already have nearly thirty figures on the go I am aiming to start some more this week. Using the good weather last week I did some priming and one of the things I did was to prime some old lizardmen skinks. This was on top of the stuff I blogged about 18 months ago. These were an idea for figures I had years ago and I have some of their bigger replacements as well which I have had for a very long time.

The tribal vibe works well with a lot of fantasy games.  Not mine really but this is part of the plan to have figures for all the major races. They used to be one if my favourite Blood  Bowl teams as well.

1 comment:

  1. That's quite a few skinks.
    Curious to see which colourscheme you picked for them.
    Painting lizards can be all kinds of fun, from realistic to over the top illustrations out of Dinosaur books.
