
Friday, 22 February 2019

Clearly The Bad Guys - Frankish Warriors

Tired of Stormtroopers today. Will come back to them soon.

In the fantasy RPG game based in the Viking era the Franks are a bit of a hard luck story (imagine a Frank being a hard luck story 😕 because I can't). They are being hammered by all their neighbours except those to the North and they hate them more than anyone else. The only thing between the Northmen and the Franks is the heavily defended pass and the biggest actively defended wall in all of Europe. It is also the only way they have to go without killing their own.

I wanted a barbarian like race in the Viking game (it's good enough for Skyrim). The models themselves are Roman era Germanic tribesmen so in many ways close enough in geography and equipment to what was probably there at the time. Not so outrageous that they wouldn't look out out place in a Conan film or even Thrud the Barbarian either (way too D&D for me).
Part of my plan for the game involves running a mass battle system. One of the battles would be the war against the Franks as they try to slip over the border to get away from their impending doom at the hands of the Carolingians. These figures have been in the queue for a while.

I got these a few years ago with the idea of using them as bad guys for the game and painted about thirty. These are what is left. Not sure the plan would be to get any more but who knows. See how the game goes. This game has taken up most of my painting time since mid 2013 and still seems to draw me back to it.

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