
Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Yossarian, CorelDRAW And Positive Changes.

Mucking about with an image of Yossarian in Corel Draw is my way of saying I am not sure where the time as gone. I guess the character of Yossarian has become my internet totem. At the moment I am really feeling like the only sane man in an insane world. This feels like a good thing and I might have got a bit of my mojo back.
Things have very definitely settled down here in my new home. The face palm thing is more about me looking back at how things were and not about how things are. Perhaps, just perhaps, I have been a little bit dumb recently. In spite of some of the bad stuff going on, the good stuff is actually leaving me with a smile on my face most of the time. My only real problem at the moment is that I have nowhere to work. The place I am living in is a lot smaller than I had before and I currently have no workbench. I went to the Phalanx show last month and managed to buy a grand total of two figures. Since then I have acquired a freebie plastic robot creature. This brings my figure acquisition total to five figures for the year. It has become clear to me that I need to have a bit of a clear out. This is is some ways painful and in others quite liberating.

To be fair I am not blaming this on the move. A lot of good has come out of it. I don't really have a project. I started the year with a whole bunch of projects but I am not feeling any of them at the moment. The only thing I think I want to but is Kingdom Death: Monster but this is a huge amount of money to spend on figures when I am not doing any painting.

Lots of stuff looks like it might change in the next few months on top of all the changes that have already taken place. Whilst some of them might not seem so good and I looking for the best in all of the outcomes. One of those changes is that I am looking at starting up a business again.

So I have ordered a shed and a bigger and better laser cutter than I ordered last time. It's taken time to put a base in for the shed but real progress seems to be being made. There is even a grand plan and I am I thinking I could really make a go of things. The shed some give me some workspace and allow me to put some of the bulky stuff that is currently taking up space in it and free up some space in the house.


  1. Great to hear from you Fred (it's been a while), and good to hear your mojo is on the mend.
    Only buying five new minis this year is a GOOD thing if you've already got a lead/plastic/resin mountain to tackle, and as for getting a shed - colour me jealous! :-)

    I hope things continue on an upward trend buddy.

    1. Cheers, the unpainted lead/plastic mountain has actually been on the decline for a couple of years. Yo be fair it has not been what you would call a sharp decline but of the stuff I am actually likely to paint the turn around seems pretty good. Five figures might feel good on some level there is just too much out there that I want to paint and it is some of this tuff that gives me more of a fire in my belly.

      The shed is sadly going to be more of a workplace than a games room. However there is a plan for a slightly bigger place which might come off.

  2. Good to hear positive changes are afoot.

    1. All things seem good here cheers. Hope they are going well with you, your blog is looking good.
