Well this is the first time I have done this for a few years. Fatherhood I guess. My little darling is with her mum and I have watched all the Christmas TV I can stand. So it's the end of another year and a chance to reflect. This is about the eighth attempt at trying to get this done. Fatigue is not fun. 2021 was the last time I managed this sort of post and I figured I have more direction when I have a plan.
Tuesday, 31 December 2024
Happy New Year or 2025: The Plan
Monday, 30 December 2024
Tuesday, 10 December 2024
2025 Bingo, The New, New Cruelty And Lessons in Prevarication
It is time to reinstate The New Cruelty!!! Would that make it The New New Cruelty? For the uninitiated, this is my way of getting things done. Well painting and gaming stuff done. The Big Bug put a stop to it as well as life in general. Well here we are.
My energy on the low side lately. A side effect on the Big Bug. It seems to get in the way a lot. So in an attempt to move things forward I thought I would pay attention to the wider gaming community and a bit from the wider world too. Yes I am talking Painting Bingo as an adjunct to The New, New Cruelty.Then I thought maybe I could widen it out a bit. So it started with Painting Bingo. The big bug has taken away a good chunk of my mojo. Maybe having something to nark off would help. Then I thought if I could get myself to paint at least ten minis a month that would be an achievement. I mean I would like to do ten a week. The same should probably go for printing 3D minis. So I figured of I managed to double a target I could get a bonus.
More Thoughts On 3D Printing
So I have been doing a bit of work with my "brand new" toy. I have run about ten jobs through it now. My first attempt was an outstanding success. It was exactly what I was after. So I have tried a few more jobs.
The first thought I have is that it isn't easy. Of the ten or so jobs I have done so far about have have failed to print. I think I have worked out what the problem was. Yes, it was my fault. Will it get better? I will see. There is another job running as I type, so we will see.
So the remaining half have succeeded then? Errrrrmmmm. I think there have been a few cases where I have produced minutes I am completely happy with. Even then, lets just say there was nothing wrong with the print. The size isn't quite right. I haven't amended the size, they are just way to big. If a mini has no supports you can usually work out the height. The trouble is, those without supports depend on me putting supports in which is not so great,
Then there are prints that fail. On a tray full of minis, some or all of them might fail. There have been more abject failures than successes. I printed a couple of robots which came out alright. The trouble is that they are so flimsy, in order to keep them in scale, that they are just too fragile. They more or less disintegrated when I took the supports off.
When all said and done there are only five figures that pass muster, One of them manages this because you can't see the bottom. Three look really good but are too tall. So out of ten ish print runs, there is only one figure that I am really happy with.
What next? Well I am going to keep going. I hope I am going to keep learning.
Saturday, 7 December 2024
ABC Warriors
Thursday, 5 December 2024
3D Printing, Christmas And Other Things
In the first week of lockdown I brought a 3D resin printer. Over the years I had brought a few 3D printed bits and pieces and had generally found that, as least as far as FDM, they were a bit cheaper to buy but the quality wasn't all that. Most of the resin stuff I had brought off eBay just didn't turn up or was crushed. I could never get the thing to work. It seemed like such a waste of money that I gave up on the idea for a bit. A friend was given a resin orinteer. Decided he didn't want the fuss and went at got himself a bambu Labs printer. I have to say that this does nice work for an FDM printer. So he gave the resin printer, and a wash and cure station to me.
When I got the thing out of the box and it was exactly the same model as the one I already had. When I had got that one I had spent days trying to get it to work and I gave it another go last year. With no joy. So I wrote it off as a dead duck and moved on. I had done all the research I could and it just didn't work.
Despite all of this I thought I would give it another go. It took some time but I eventually figured it out. The problem wasn't me it was the slicing software. Not just the random software I was using but the bespoke software for the machine. If I saved it different and used the oldest tiniest USB stick I could find, it worked. Then of course the wash and cure station didn't work but I quickly figured out what to do with that. I just need a new motherboard.
So here am I, 3D printing. After four years of trying. It's mostly Star Wars Legion stuff. That seems to be more current focus.
Then of course Christmas got in the way. There is a lot to do. Not least of which is the naughty elf. So I just get on with that. Around all the arsing about with the 3D printer. It's a process.
Having figured out that my XBOX was working and that it was my long covid riddled brain was at fault, I started on Dead Rising 4. Having played it through a lot and at about 95% of the achievements done, I used to be able to play the game on the hardest level. My brain isn't up to that anymore and I can't focus for long but I am making the most of it.
All this means I haven't been doing much painting. The Star Wars Legion stuff is still on the table as is the Battletech. There is a game coming up so I guess I should be finishing the mechs. My painting bench is the the bedroom which is where the 3D printer. So I have taken the decision to sleep on the sofa. This is not a long term solution so I will have to come up with some sort of solution.
So here I am. Things are going as well as expected.
Saturday, 30 November 2024
Tuesday, 26 November 2024
Not Quite Black Friday
Saturday, 23 November 2024
Back In The Swing Of Things
So I have been painting. Almost an army full. Well Star Wars Legion army full. It's been part painted for over a year. Probably about time I finished it. The plan was to finish Echo Base Defenders and Blizzard Force and some extras before the end of the year. I might just get there.
The Battletech mechs are still in the queue. These mechs have become my current background project. They are shaping up and I think what I have started will be finished before New Year. I have a game mid-December, so they will probably get to the front of the queue.
I seem to recall I have set myself the goal of painting one Blood Bowl team per year. I have found my skaven team and think they are next in the queue. I like playing skaven but I don't like playing them long term. The fatalities always break my heart. I just need a colour scheme.
I've managed to get some of my Sludge army primed. Ideally the plan would be finishing this unit. Maybe two. This has been dropped as my primary goal. Too many shiny things. Same old story.
With the end of the year around the corner, I think I should be contemplating what I want to do with 3025. Yes it's not even Christmas and I am thinking about the new year. Last year work got in the way and this year, well it's been this year
So maybe I can start looking forward again.
Sunday, 3 November 2024
More Tiny Steps
Long COVID is a barrel of laughs. I think I am having a good day then LC says forget that and pay attention to me. I did get some stuff done and then the wall said hello again. Suddenly I don't have the energy to change the channel on the TV. It can't be a bad day because I now have the energy to be upright. Two posts in two days says something else.
So I managed to prime about twenty minis including three Battletech mechs and some stuff for Sludge. I was planning on carving some raised terrain for Battletech and got one piece carved out of the twenty or so I had planned. On top of this I managed to put some things in the right place so I can finish some more hexes. Not for Battletech.
Now I am hoping for some more energy tomorrow. Past experience says that is probably not going to happen. What I will get s another wall and a lot of brain fog. Still that will be better than the last few months.