
Monday, 23 March 2020

The Actual Lock Down

Well no good news today...

After Sunday and hearing about all the people that were out and about, I thought I would order some more gaming stuff before everything shut down. At the end of last week I was expecting it to be at the weekend. Oh well. Right now I am not sure if what Boris has said tonight means I am in work or not, but I suspect I am here for the duration.

Bad news in general but good news for the blog. 😕

One of the things I ordered (and the only thing I think I stand a chance of getting) is some more primer. I ordered some brushes and a whole load Copplestone Miniatures. All sorts of stuff but really aimed at the post apocalypse. Doubt I will get that now but you never know.

So I have been priming sme terrain and I have done a little bit of miniature painting. Mostly it's been the Star Wars Legion stuff but I still have a few bits and pieces of other stuff to finish off.

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