
Sunday, 3 September 2017

Back To The Plan

It's back to painting. I have another five figures to paint this week as I do every week. Three are finished and two are pretty close to completion. On top of that there are another five that are close enough that I should be up to date. Typically for me, I have spent the day doing a lot of peripheral stuff and probably could have finished everything of if I had gotten down to it.
These are five priestly types. Admittedly one of them is meant to be a magic user and one is meant to be a potioneer. The first three are definitely Christian clerics and the last two will do for Norse clerics, something I don't have that much of.

Religion is definitely something I skirt around. Most games do not use mainstream religion and if they do they tend to minimise the way it interacts with the real world. I am a little uncertain about using Christian clerics in the game. This goes double for Islamic clerics although there is no chance of that happening any time soon. This covers a geographic area that I am not about to deal with in the game until everything else is done. The Middle East in the dark ages is all Aladdin, Sinbad and A Thousand And One Nights so not an Islamic world as such. The Middle Eastern fantasy thing has been on my mind for over a decade. In general though, the figures that I want just aren't there.

Oddly enough the only person that is in anyway religious that might possible play the game, and therefore run the risk of getting annoyed is actually a practicing Pagan who is almost an Odinist. Odd the way things go.

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