It's a bit of a mix today Wargames Foundry, Mantic, Black Hat, North Star, Artizan Designs, Reaper, Gripping Beast, Fantasy Flight, Grenadier, Malifaux, Mirliton have all been primed. I am sure there are a few others in there as well. At least I have future proofed my painting schedule for a bit (well primed some figures for work in the future).
There has been a bit of painting done. One of the advantages to painting a wide range of figures at one time is that you can paint a lot of figures in the same colours without everything in the final genres looking the same. The superhero figure I spent a fair bit of time on to get right. The security guards took a little bit of time but I didn't want to put too much work into them. They may come out on tabletop but really there are there for a board game. They are already pretty closed to finished, just a few more details. Maybe if I get back into Titansgrave or other Sci-Fi stuff they might come out. The giant robot is nice and the power armour looks good to. If would be nice to make a bit more of him but I don't see how I can make him look too impressive.
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