
Saturday, 16 March 2019

Supply Markers

The Walking Dead: All Out War by Mantic Games is my favourite apocalypse game at the moment. Nuclear war (especially Fallout) and other forms of zombies are pretty close. Does that sound a little insane? Maybe I am a little insane. I am comfortable with that :)
Anyway, I like the idea of skirmish gaming and post-apocalypse skirmish gaming is particularly appealing. TWD:AOW is still drawing me in although I have only played a few games of it. I keep looking at it and want to buy more of it.What has been on the list of things to do for a while is the supply counters.

Supply counters, or something like it, seem to be a facet of a lot of skirmish games. I was looking at doing something like this for Scavenge, Skirmish, Survive. This made me think I should put some effort into these thinking I might use them in other games as well. If nothing else they will do as scatter terrain. The bases are either basically painted green or sand. Over time I have developed a box of basically green and basically sandy terrain so I might as well make stuff that would fit for either.


  1. Whatever works for you :D, as long as it keeps you painting I'm not going to judge;).
    Nice work on these counters Fred, they indeed look as if they can fit into a number of games.

    1. I think it was probably growing up in the 80s. The end of the world seemed just around the corner every day. Still things have got better............

  2. I like these and did the same myself!

    1. They are nice counters as well. I could use a few more or something like it.
