
Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Slow Progress - But A Good Day - And A Rant

I was enjoying myself too much on Tuesday  to do much painting or much of anything else really and yesterday, well I think I just fell asleep. This was supposed to be Tuesday's post but what the hell. It was only really been late last evening that I have managed to get down to painting. This seems to be much like the old days. Even so I managed to get a few colours down and all twenty five figures for the week now have some paint on them. Today I have faired a little better so far and things seems like they are going well. I might get the first batch of the Home Guard done relatively quickly.
Some progress but still a bit too blobby for a closeup
Some of my time has been spent on doing work on my Viking game. Specifically rules for slaves, or thralls in this game. It made me kind of awkward. Part of me knows it's just a game that I am trying to recreate an ancient world in. Another part of me knows that there are a few people that would object to the whole idea. Don't get me started on religion. I fell short on doing some things that were bound to offend some people.

Then I think what I am trying to do is recreate a world as it would have been a thousand years ago. It's not a world I want but it is what the world was like back then. For some reason I take exception to rewriting the world. Making the world that used to be something different in whatever form of drama, takes something away from it. I watched the new Mary Poppins recently. For sake of an argument we will say it was set a hundred years ago. In that movie, a male of African origin played a nice bank employee. All well and good in the modern world. Back in the world of the time Mary Poppins was set, it seems doubtful he would have been allowed to enter many banks. It's tragic, but that was the way it was. Rewriting history takes away from the struggles and the people that stood up for their rights by making it look like the world was a much nicer place back then.


  1. Hollywood is an industry to make money regardless of fact or the truth I'm afraid!

    1. It is the nature of the beast. Oddly I have always thought that rewriting history in order to change what people think of it in the present is a bad thing. Apparently I am in a minority.

  2. Some people like to smooth over historical facts, I never understood why. History was very brutal at times and things we see as atrocities now were normal back then. Why try to erase that? It made us who we are.

    1. Failing to learn from the past usually means that we will make the same mistakes again

    2. Unfortunately, history has the tendency to repeat itself exactly because of this. Humans have very short memories, we can consider ourselves lucky if we're even able to learn from the mistakes our parents made.

    3. I seem to keep repeating the problems myself.
