
Friday, 7 March 2025

Sludge Progress

Making progress on Sludge sounds worse than it is. I had most of the painting done by Tuesday and needed a break. There are a few details on the shields to do and I am convinced I have lost a mini somewhere.

I had run out of the right sized bases. The game uses a lot of three and four centimetre bases which I had to cut specially. I should be good to go now.
Five bodyguards although there should be six I think.
A unit of foot knights with knightly weapons. These are not quite finished.
Two units that can be used for jagers and shock troops at a pinch.
The rest of the stuff I have put together this week. I have cobbled together a flame thrower team. Not in the rules per se but they fit the fluffy. There is a chaplain and his livered bodyguards. Then there are a couple of officers and the crew for the artillery piece I have planned.

I have finished some mounted figures too. I wanted a mounted commander and a banner man. He also needs a separate bodyguard and one more just because. Then there is a unit of mounted knights. I think I can only field four of these.

Hopefully getting these primed tomorrow. I am expecting a lot from this weekend. So will see how I go. Hopefully my energy levels will hold.

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