
Saturday, 22 March 2025

Hard Week Coming To An End

My time this week has all been about making things hard for myself. It's been mostly about painting cavalry minis, which is something I don't do a lot of. So for some reason I decided to paint fourteen of them in in week. For perspective, it's at least twice the numbers I have painted in the last three years and probably five years.
The burden I put upon myself, and it feels like one, is to finish, ish, an army. An army I have gone to town on (in terms of numbers at least) despite promising myself I wouldn't. I look upon painting horses as a challenge. With human minis the paint process seems easier. In general it's all the same except perhaps the hair. With horses there are multiple different colours. Each colour has the same basic profile but requires a knowledge of different patterns. If you can tell the difference between blaze and snip, and star and stripe then you know what I mean. When I paint horses I want to get the white bits in the correct place.

So there are a few details left to finish. Highlighting, some metallic area and of course the aforementioned white bits. Time I was back at the coal face during which I will take consolation from the fact that they are not actual Napoleonic minis and the fact that I intend to paint some more. At least as many again if not a few more.

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