As well as what's in the pictures below I have some vac suited figures and some aliens but I will post pictures of these another time. I ended up paying £30 tax and handling which came as a real shock. I will make sure that anything else U get is made up from smaller orders in future.
I have fairly mixed feelings about them. They are exactly what I wanted but with a few niggles. Some of the hair styles lack anything but the most basic sculpting. Big hair with no texture. The figures have a wide range of sizes which is a plus and a negative in my book. They seem to do a lot of zombies of a similar quality which end up a lot cheaper.
My bet is that they will paint up alright. The faces are better than some even if some of the hair is a bit off. They have the advantage of being exactly what I want. I am guessing that my main gripe now is that the day after the arrived Victory Force announce a mammoth sale on this range only. Timing the secret of great...
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