Owing to it being a slow rainy bank holiday Monday and the fact I am going away tomorrow, today has been a quiet day. This means I have had a bit of time to myself. It started off with me painting some bases around the 15mm figures. This has to be my second least favourite activity after flocking bases. For some reason I found the motivation for this and to tidy my desk.
When I had done that I got some 15mm figures that have been part painted and taking up some space. They would have gathered a lot of dust but for being hidden away in the blue draws on the desk. I have had a good go at those too. I'll post some pics of those tomorrow.
I have finished two 28mm figures today. The first is Adam Worth. He is a player character in a Savage Worlds Rippers game. He is based on a real person who was the known as the Napoleon of crime, a term later to be used by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Since I suspect that I might be going a bit steam punk in the not to distant future (and maybe a bit deadlands as well) I think he will be the first of many. I am hoping that I have got him to look just a little bit dodgy. Calling him a little bit dodgy is like called a cabbaged a little bit green and covered in caterpillars.

Next is the character I'll be using in tonight's Space 1889 name game. It's set on Mars hence the slightly unusual base colour. The game is just a little bit tongue in cheek I am today so a guess of making a big character. Colonel Sir Walter Richard Pollack Hamilton Hardwick VC (ret). Again another character freely taken out of history and changed just a little bit. Somewhere between an idealised Kipling Officer and General Melchett from Blackadder goes fourth only more so. I am fairly pleased with this one as I put a bit of effort into it. I might start doing a but more if I get to love the character.
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