
Thursday, 14 June 2012

Nazis. I hate these guys.

In between waiting for the PVA to dry I have been catching up on said mins that have been sat half painted in a draw for some time. Late war SS infantry for Flames of War. They were purchased with a view to do some weird war two a while back. Having watched Iron Sky a few days ago I was half inspired again. I was talking to one of my mates a few weeks ago and we rehashed the idea on a game inspired by the history of the Conspiracy-X RPG. As this is one of my favoruite games I thought, well maybe it's worth it.

I really am starting to hate these figures. Indiana Jones had it right. I can get them so they look good at a distance but they look a little odd close up. I have had similar experiences with other complex camo schemes most recently with the modern US infantry I painted a month ago.

The Waffen SS were never really my scene. The Germans were always more for the slightly more O.C.D. type of war gamer. You know the type, the ones who own more Tiger tanks than anyone else and probably more than ever existed or could spot a uniform mistake on a Napoleonic figure at ten paces.

There are a lot of the buggers tho. Not as many as I would need for a FOW army, which is a bit of a mercy. I don't really know what to do with them now. I have finished the base paint job now I need to sort out the finer details.

Back to waiting for the PVA to dry.

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