Monday, 3 March 2025

Start Of (Another Sludge) Week

It's all Sludge all of the time at the moment. It's nice to have a project. Gives me some sense of purpose. If the is the right thing when it comes to painting toy soldiers.

The plan calls for six more bodyguards, although I probably need some more than that eventually. As mentioned before, as a kind of tabletop, shorthand, these all have axes.  At some point these will get shields to match their charge. Some of these have added short muskets. These are mostly moulds taken from other stuff as in order to get enough I would have to spend £100 to get them.

Then its six foot knights. These are all going to have individual colour schemes, they are all nobility after all. These also come with moulded short muskets. At a pinch they can act as officers, although the more I think about it, it would hope I can get round to creating something a bit more individual.

Then there are two six man, six base units. These will work as either shock troops or jagers. Pretty much the same as the regular line units just with fewer bodies in them.

There is a bit more individuality in the minis this week. So a bit harder work but not too much. Its an easier week all round, so I should get there. I have a couple of minis I want to prime white, so I will get these done. One is going to be part of the back the background work as I want to put some effort into it. I have three monsters made from plants, so basically green. These are going into the background so that everytime green comes on the palette what is left will end on these minis. 

Time for the next Quar release is getting closer. It may be sometime around March April. If I can get the Sludge stuff done then maybe I will move on to the next project. The vehicles and the terrain work for both which is always a plus.

At some point I should move back to Star Wars Legion. I have enough of it to paint now. I am not planning on making any more purchases until I have finished what I have. In my head I have an idea for A Star Wars RPG. If I can make this work I might push this to the front of the queue. There are quite a lot of new releases this year. I can see me buying some of it but its mostly duplicates so is somewhere down the list. SOmehow I suspect the army boxes will be a lot more than the £100 the last lot ended up costing.

I have spent some money on BattleTech last year. Again I have promised myself that I won't spend any more money on it until I have finished, or almost finished, what I already have. This isn't going to cost money because I said so.

Midgard is also on the horizon. I have an idea for a unit of ulfhunder and I need a few more mounted figures. Then of course there are some sabot basing. I have this but it needs texturing and painting. A good choice for a back ground project. It has the advantage that I don't need to spend any more money as I have more than enough Vikings.

The Damned are also due. It has only taken two and a bit years. I can see a lot of it going into the bits box. My bits box can now pro bably fill a transit van. There was a plan for it at the time but that has long passed. I can see some stuff for Stargrave or Five Parsecs. I thought they have some post-apocalypse uses too. I had a plan to use some of them for Last War/Mork Borg. This would be at most ten out of about two hundred plus minis. That said, Trench Crusade has come along and I do have a plan for trenches this year. I am also sure that some bits will work with the Quar.

I keep getting nagged by the idea of going back into the Spanish Civil War and even A Very British Civil War. Then I seem to remember declaring 2025 the year of the Halfling. This is probably the most hard core niggle I have to itch.

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