Sunday, 23 February 2025

End Of The Week (31.5)

Here we are again. I got way more done than expected as I fixed my lighting issues quicker than expected. It also that I needed to throw myself into something. 

So I think I finished off most of the short arses from last week. In addition there is a pig from two weeks ago. There are a few more in the pipe some of which are newly purchased.
My plan for next week was to paint a unit for Sludge. Sludge being a game that captured the internet for a couple of weeks and one that has stayed with me. I fear it is going to go down the same hole as Titansgrave. 
Somehow I finished these figures this week. Not a whole unit though. Somewhere along the line I had mixed up the minis from two units. So next week I think I will finish the two units off with a few more besides. If things go well I might try and finish another smaller unit. I needed to knock up about six more minis on top of what I had.

Basing may be an issue. The units should be in groups of three on 40mm bases. I am not sure I like that. It means that they can never be used for anything else. Mind you, I am not sure what I could use them for anything else.
The above is my reminder for what paint I used. 

I even found some time to work on the rats. The Skaven Blood Bowl team is coming along. I was sure there were a few more. I found two more.

The weather was good the other day. The first day I considered priming minis. So that's what I did. Picking a figure, that totalled about seventy five more minis for the queue. I am fairly confident about getting them done. 

This also gave me a chance to crank the laser up and finish another box of shelves. 

Getting so much done feels like it should be a good thing. In reality I suspect bad things are coming. To deal with this I have been making myself busy. The last three years, if not the last ten have not been good for me. It's not been without it's moments, the high light being about five years ago, the trend has been very difficult to map. It is currently trending downward. 

So maybe next week will be a good one.

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