Sunday, 2 February 2025

End Of The Week (27) (+40)

I swear I had no intention of going to a wargames show but somehow I ended up in York this morning. And, well, you know. So I added about forty figures. I came back happy but exhausted despite a good mate giving me a lift.

I got a figure for my daughter. Let me know if you have any idea who this is meant to be. No prizes but you will go up in my estimation. There may be some long term loss of social status.
Another promise broken includes twenty more dark age figures. I want a small number of cavalry, I fancied some more civilians and I have a plan for some ulfhunder (think berserker but wolf hides rather than bears). I do have a target to paint a figure within forty eight hours (ish) of purchase. If it gets finished on Tuesday I will call it a win. This explains why they are already attached to bases.
There are some fantasy figures too. Some female hobbits (I gave myself and out for these at new year) and some villainous types. I was after some more modern civilians so I got some of them. This has something to do with next week's project but more on that shortly.
It was a good week for painting. I finished 16 various police and twenty two animals. Given the painting of the animals as half, there is a lot less work in finishing them. I needed some bigger bases for the cows but will make them next week.
There are six more minis almost done and another eleven animals. Not to mention some small pieces of scatter terrain.
I have also got the laser cutter up and running. I ran out of paint storage (oh yeah I got four more Army Painter speed paints three of which were metallics that I wanted to try).
So I now have a standard paint rack, a small thing one to fill a gap and deeper set of shelves with more drawers to follow.
I got the laser out to print some hexes. This has taken six months to find the energy.
Next week the plan is to paint some modern ish figures. Some are Copplestone Castings Future Wars range and the others are Kiss Kiss Bang Bang range which are also Copplestone.
A good week all round.

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