Sunday, 5 January 2025

End Of The Week (30)

Christmas and post Christmas are usually quiet weeks for me. The holidays have a way of getting in the way. To be honest if it is a choice between spending time with my daughter and paint, she wins everytime. In the time that I have had I have been finishing off some minis. Mostly Star wars Stuff I started in December.

I realise that I haven't done the rims, but I still need to figure out what I am doing with them. So I am calling them done. So that's thirty figures this week. Technically I can call it fifty five but I am not sure I want to push it that far. If I could keep up this pace without real life getting in the way I would be very happy indeed.

Next week will be more Star Wars Legion. I have a few more figures to finish. Some are a lot less finished than others. My evenings look busy but the tail end of the week should see some progress.


Wednesday, 1 January 2025

The First Day OF The New, New Cruelty

I started out with the idea to do bingo to keep me motivated for the year. It works for other people, so why not give it a try. So I woke up and got on with it. I was looking at a good way to kick start the year. I have had a tin filled with work in process minis stuck on old GW paint pots which have sat there for at least two years. Some of them have taken a little bit of a bashing and they were all covered in fluff. 

For the last month or so they have been the background project. To the uninitiated this is something on the bench that isn't my primary project but is  something I started to paint with my usual gusto that has gotten lost with the appearance of the new shiny. Generally they only get touched when I have some spare paint on the palette.

So as per the rules of bingo, I have finished the backlog, painted ten minis and have achieved a bonus by painting ten more. As the rules call for figures completed in 2025, with the emphasis on finished, I am claiming three boxes. I can claim 106 items so if I keep up this pace I will hit my target by early February. Ah got to love the hubris of a New Years resolution.

Just to annoy myself I have lost a Wookie. Not a full sized one obviously. There should be four and I can only find three. There is more Star Wars Legion stuff coming. I think tomorrow I will finish a good chunk of these done.