
Monday, 3 March 2025

Start Of (Another Sludge) Week

It's all Sludge all of the time at the moment. It's nice to have a project. Gives me some sense of purpose. If the is the right thing when it comes to painting toy soldiers.

The plan calls for six more bodyguards, although I probably need some more than that eventually. As mentioned before, as a kind of tabletop, shorthand, these all have axes.  At some point these will get shields to match their charge. Some of these have added short muskets. These are mostly moulds taken from other stuff as in order to get enough I would have to spend £100 to get them.

Then its six foot knights. These are all going to have individual colour schemes, they are all nobility after all. These also come with moulded short muskets. At a pinch they can act as officers, although the more I think about it, it would hope I can get round to creating something a bit more individual.

Then there are two six man, six base units. These will work as either shock troops or jagers. Pretty much the same as the regular line units just with fewer bodies in them.

There is a bit more individuality in the minis this week. So a bit harder work but not too much. Its an easier week all round, so I should get there. I have a couple of minis I want to prime white, so I will get these done. One is going to be part of the back the background work as I want to put some effort into it. I have three monsters made from plants, so basically green. These are going into the background so that everytime green comes on the palette what is left will end on these minis. 

Time for the next Quar release is getting closer. It may be sometime around March April. If I can get the Sludge stuff done then maybe I will move on to the next project. The vehicles and the terrain work for both which is always a plus.

At some point I should move back to Star Wars Legion. I have enough of it to paint now. I am not planning on making any more purchases until I have finished what I have. In my head I have an idea for A Star Wars RPG. If I can make this work I might push this to the front of the queue. There are quite a lot of new releases this year. I can see me buying some of it but its mostly duplicates so is somewhere down the list. SOmehow I suspect the army boxes will be a lot more than the £100 the last lot ended up costing.

I have spent some money on BattleTech last year. Again I have promised myself that I won't spend any more money on it until I have finished, or almost finished, what I already have. This isn't going to cost money because I said so.

Midgard is also on the horizon. I have an idea for a unit of ulfhunder and I need a few more mounted figures. Then of course there are some sabot basing. I have this but it needs texturing and painting. A good choice for a back ground project. It has the advantage that I don't need to spend any more money as I have more than enough Vikings.

The Damned are also due. It has only taken two and a bit years. I can see a lot of it going into the bits box. My bits box can now pro bably fill a transit van. There was a plan for it at the time but that has long passed. I can see some stuff for Stargrave or Five Parsecs. I thought they have some post-apocalypse uses too. I had a plan to use some of them for Last War/Mork Borg. This would be at most ten out of about two hundred plus minis. That said, Trench Crusade has come along and I do have a plan for trenches this year. I am also sure that some bits will work with the Quar.

I keep getting nagged by the idea of going back into the Spanish Civil War and even A Very British Civil War. Then I seem to remember declaring 2025 the year of the Halfling. This is probably the most hard core niggle I have to itch.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

The End Of The Week (24)

So the end of the week is here. Pretty sure my daughter had given the The Rona. I feel like kack and I can't taste anything. Not sure about smell as I am so full of snot. But I have managed the target of the week and I have already started on the stuff for next week.

This now completes my first two units for Sludge, both line infantry. They are now stuck to bases which need some texture. I can't say this is my best work. Well I could but this would be an outrageous lie. It is however good enough for the purpose intended, An army that is rarely going to get played.

For some reason I am feeling the need for structure. I have the bingo, but feel the need for something with a bit more crunch. So I have a plan.

2/3         24 mixed Sludge jagers/shock troops, bodyguards, foot knights

9/3         18 sludge pike build Sludge cavalry.

16/3         6 ulfhunder 3 mounted viking 

23/3       18 sludge zouaves

30/3       12 modern ish

6/4     12 Sludge mounted

13/4       12 da/fantasy 

20/4       12 sci fi ish

27/4      12 Sludge mounted 

4/5        12 Stargrave 

11/5          ? battletech 

18/5      6 Sludge crossbow, 18 Sludge crossbow

27/5        to OPFOR or not to OPFOR?

Now for next week. I wanted some more bodyguards. Just for a visual shorthand, bodyguards are equipped with axes. Then I wanted a couple of officers and a unit of foot knights. I can't remember if this is four or six figures, I will have what I will have. Then there are two units which could be jagers or shock troopers.

Then I am planning another few weeks of Sludge after this although I may have a palate cleanse. My plan as to paint all the stuff I got in York at show this year. All of this is now primed and based aside from the stuff I wanted to prime white. mostly Vikings but some modernish stuff too.

I haven't done any Sludge cavalry yet and I have a pike unit to go. I have two line units for an opfor done already. I have plans for a unit of zouves and a unit of crossbows. The zouves may end up being some Scots Napoleonics or some actual ACW Zouaves. At some point I got six Napoleonic infantry from the cover of a magazine.  which will do for shock troopers or jagers. I also want a jager unit with crossbows. I want some knightly horse and some heavy and light cavalry. If I go all in then I might think about hussars. I also want a mounted commander and associated mounted bodyguard. This project might run and run. I need a chaplain and a sorcerer. Finally, for the stuff I have a plan for, I need to do some artillery. I have what I need for this, I just need to put it together. 

Then there is stuff I don't have a form plan for. Saints for one. I need to source a behemoth that fits my army. A fifty four millimetre knight with some work maybe? Needs some google-fu. The expansion for Sludge, Sludge Nations, also allows for a flamethrowers. Always fun, unless you are on the receiving end of course. Finally, well in the sense that I could give up here, I need some crawlers. A light and a heavy one at least. My next project is going to be This Quar's War. This is a game that is slightly better resourced and has the right sort of tanks. If I don't put tank commanders in them they will work.  Finally, ideas for which I don't have a plan for, yet, are a sacred icon and artificer with a repeating musket. What was the name of the character from Sharpe again?  

Moving on after that I need to be thinking about the future. I have a few plans for a fantasy army for Midgard. I have dome some unit trays for this as I think I may well get a game in. My next purchase is probably going to be This Quar's War. If only because it is a game that no one but me will play. This is going to be another situation where I will be buying both sides. This isn't such a big deal as armies don't stretch much beyond thirty minis. This is probably going to require less than one hundred figures to cover all possibilities I can think of.  This requires the next Quar box set to come out. 

After that, or maybe before, I am thinking about Halfings. They don't fit any real plan though. My gaming life goal, well one of them is to have a mini that I can use for each character class, race and gender. Where possible, there should be a choice. I mean a thief often looks like a ranger right? 

Just in terms of overall numbers, I am doing well. I have already manged to substantially paint more than I have in the in the last two years combined. If I can keep the pace up, which is a bit of an ask, this will be my first year where I painted a thousand figures. The New Cruelty is pleased regardless.

Monday, 24 February 2025

Start of the Week

I can feel a migraine coming. It feels like a big one. Sounds are making my ear drums hurt. I will be getting the precursors soon so time to stop.
It's full speed ahead for Sludge. So I primed what I needed and a few more after a bit of mini prep. Then I have given everything a really harsh wash. I use my own mix which is a bit darker than most of the others you can buy. 
The week ahead is a busy one. Twenty four minis may be ambitious. Especially with the migraines, which seem to be coming pretty thick and fast at the moment.
Time to find a dark room and an audiobook.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

End Of The Week (31.5)

Here we are again. I got way more done than expected as I fixed my lighting issues quicker than expected. It also that I needed to throw myself into something. 

So I think I finished off most of the short arses from last week. In addition there is a pig from two weeks ago. There are a few more in the pipe some of which are newly purchased.
My plan for next week was to paint a unit for Sludge. Sludge being a game that captured the internet for a couple of weeks and one that has stayed with me. I fear it is going to go down the same hole as Titansgrave. 
Somehow I finished these figures this week. Not a whole unit though. Somewhere along the line I had mixed up the minis from two units. So next week I think I will finish the two units off with a few more besides. If things go well I might try and finish another smaller unit. I needed to knock up about six more minis on top of what I had.

Basing may be an issue. The units should be in groups of three on 40mm bases. I am not sure I like that. It means that they can never be used for anything else. Mind you, I am not sure what I could use them for anything else.
The above is my reminder for what paint I used. 

I even found some time to work on the rats. The Skaven Blood Bowl team is coming along. I was sure there were a few more. I found two more.

The weather was good the other day. The first day I considered priming minis. So that's what I did. Picking a figure, that totalled about seventy five more minis for the queue. I am fairly confident about getting them done. 

This also gave me a chance to crank the laser up and finish another box of shelves. 

Getting so much done feels like it should be a good thing. In reality I suspect bad things are coming. To deal with this I have been making myself busy. The last three years, if not the last ten have not been good for me. It's not been without it's moments, the high light being about five years ago, the trend has been very difficult to map. It is currently trending downward. 

So maybe next week will be a good one.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Don't Buy Care Bears!!!!!

The one thing that really makes life living is my five year old daughter. All the things they say about father's of daughters is probably true. As best I can I like to spoil her. So I got her a Care Bear.

I hid it in my bedroom as a surprise. She came over and I had left my door open and she saw it within a minute of arrival. The bee line to the bear.

In order to get to the bear she somehow managed to climb up the paint stick. I had six b1 battle droids on the the stick. Six extremely fragile b1 battle droids. Well I guess I have a group of bits to use for hi-tech scatter terrain.
We are now at four Care Bears.

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Midweekish Madness

I got tired of waiting for the bulbs to arrive. Having been told it would be Friday, they arrived the following day, whilst I was out. Given the new delivery date of Saturday I purchased another bulb as I happened to be in a shop. Today was a good day for painting.
So I made some progress. I even tried to stick with the plan. My primary target was to finish off the remaining minis from short arse week and even a pig I missed from the week before. It would definitely have benefitted from being stripped and started again but what the hell. There are two left and these just need details.
Then I wanted to make progress on the Blood Bowl Skaven. These are still a long way off but I think I am a lot closer to having a finished first layer. There is still some tidying up to do and they are a bit bobby.
Looking forward I need a plan for next week. I have been looking at This Quar's War all week. The bingo plan calls for a complete army. Being the latest shiny thing, they could fit the bill. In reality I had kind of promised myself that the army, and probably enough figures to do two forces, was going to be Sludge. So I finally put them in the queue. I had done a few test paint jobs and these made it into the job lot. Plus a bodyguard. As this is an army paint scheme, I anticipate this will take a week. They are not short arses but I guess the surface area is a little less than most of the stuff I have painted recently. Then I have the urge to paint the Viking minis, especially the horses.
After I finished this I had a massive migraine. I suspect this is going to put me off painting and pretty much everything else for a few days.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Starting Short Arse Week

I am trying to clean house, as far as minis are concerned. Blah, blah, lead mountain, blah blah. I'm not sure I am in a hurry. The snakemen are Grenadier. The company and the shop they were purchased from have been ancient history for more than thirty years. For some reason they nag me to be painted every time I find them. There are some Oathmark dwarves, Black Treeratmen, a Copplestone halflings and the rest are random acquisitions.
It's a busy week but I remain hopeful that I will get to ten figures and maybe a few more.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

End Of The Week (32.5)

I started the week with a plan. It was a good one too. But no plan survives contact with children. So currently watching the little one running around a trampoline park. At least at the time I am writing this. I am claiming thirty and a half minis for the week. The half and some of the whole numbers being animals.

There was a twitchy sphincter moment when I didn't think I was going to get close to finishing what I started. I got some time after the little one went to sleep and more or less caught up/+. I am now nicely North of one hundred painted minis. So on balnce, I am happy and The New, New Cruelty fins the situation acceptable.

So there were a few bits that needed finishing from last week. The five armed civilians, which I think are Scotia, have been hanging around since last week so it was nice to get them done. There was also a female crossbow woman from  Northstar's Frostgrave range, that needed a few spots of paint. Other than the pigs, all the animals were started and finished this week, whilst the pigs just required a few details. Don't ask where they came from as they were a random purchase on the market. The darker animal between the bugs is a bit of a mystery. I was assuming this was a domesticated dog but it has some prominent brows which could be nascent horns, making it a goat. The treasure pile was given to me by a friend, in the late nineties. It had been sat in a bits box for some time after being purchased from a bargain bin so its probably a late eighties GW mini.

The main focus of the week was the guys in suits. These should work for any modern game and some sci-fi stuff. They are a mix of Future Wars and Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang from Copplestone.

As I have the laser cutter up and running, this has been used for a bit.  I might be playing Midgard: Heroic Battles so I thought I would get ahead with some bases, counters and measuring gauges. I have also finished the one hundred and thirty of so hex tiles for the next terrain hex project.

I have prepped a fair number of figures. Most of what I got in York is now bases on textured bases. I was planning on painting these but they are not primed. This should give me enough figures for an ulfhunder unit for  Midgard. What's above is about half of them.

Next week is all about the little guys.

Friday, 7 February 2025

Horses: A Love Hate Relationship

For someone who has spent a fair amount of time around horses and likes them, I have always hated painting horses. The last week or so, as I have been painting a lot of animals, I have been thinking about this, especially as I have some more to paint.

My big project of the last decade has been a dark age roleplaying game that I run. It has gone my a number of names with nornmen being my current favourite. Cavalry was not a big thing in this era, especially if you were a Viking. They did use horses but it seems they were more like mobile infantry. As I have been trying to have intermittent battles, every now and again, I get a few more mounted figures. I would like some Normens too I think.

I grew up around horses. My dad had a passion for them and I have been out and lived with a number of horsey women. I have probably a better understanding of horses than most gamers.

I just don’t like painting them. Never have and probably never will. I don’t understand why.

I must be part Scot as I don’t like spending the money but that isn’t it. Maybe its because I don’t like painting bigger minis. I don’t have a lot of them either. They are also quite hard to get a realistic look. You can paint them in a single colour but they are rarely that plain. Their foreheads, noses and fetlocks have different patterns and these need to be right. Some colours go with others and some do not. And don’t get me started on what palamino means. I have specially purchased horse paints. I could never wrap my head around the way white horses are called greys either.

So here we are, three more horses.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Can't Sleep

I am fog tired and wide awake. Insomnia is a thing for me. It is massively worse since I got ill. So here I am, at nearly 2am watching TV in bed.

I am making progress but it is stop.start. my energy levels are all over the place today. There are well over twenty minis in the queue. As I can't process stuff, everything I do I spend a few minutes on, then my brain goes into cat mode. So easily distracted, need to eat or doze off. It's something I am not enjoying. I would like to be back to normal and back in the real world.

Snack time.

There is progress but I can't find the mini from earlier. I think I am going to finish what I have stated but we will see.

Starting To Take Shape

My daughter is obsessed with maths at the moment. This includes what she wants to watch. Especially a show about super hero numbers that are all about five years old. Kids TV 🤔
One of the bad guys is called the Numbertaker. Like undertaker. I didn't come up with it.
The Numbertaker is a strange expressionless man, dressed in white with an oversized top hat. He is from MEP Miniatures, a company I have only just found out about and have become a big fan. A shameless plug but I have no skin in the game. They just make some minis I like and a character my daughter loves. They have numbered objective counters that are made to look like piles of toilet paper. What's not to love.

Monday, 3 February 2025

The First 48

I set myself the target of painting a figure I purchased within forty eight hours. As mentioned I did some shopping yesterday. Just to prove it to the god of painting, is the evidence of my success. At one point I was told that grandiose ideas was an early sign of madness. Clearly not in my case.🤔
For extra authenticity he is still a little bit dsmp.

Not my best work but not too shabby. One more priest for the White Twin.

Sunday, 2 February 2025

End Of The Week (27) (+40)

I swear I had no intention of going to a wargames show but somehow I ended up in York this morning. And, well, you know. So I added about forty figures. I came back happy but exhausted despite a good mate giving me a lift.

I got a figure for my daughter. Let me know if you have any idea who this is meant to be. No prizes but you will go up in my estimation. There may be some long term loss of social status.
Another promise broken includes twenty more dark age figures. I want a small number of cavalry, I fancied some more civilians and I have a plan for some ulfhunder (think berserker but wolf hides rather than bears). I do have a target to paint a figure within forty eight hours (ish) of purchase. If it gets finished on Tuesday I will call it a win. This explains why they are already attached to bases.
There are some fantasy figures too. Some female hobbits (I gave myself and out for these at new year) and some villainous types. I was after some more modern civilians so I got some of them. This has something to do with next week's project but more on that shortly.
It was a good week for painting. I finished 16 various police and twenty two animals. Given the painting of the animals as half, there is a lot less work in finishing them. I needed some bigger bases for the cows but will make them next week.
There are six more minis almost done and another eleven animals. Not to mention some small pieces of scatter terrain.
I have also got the laser cutter up and running. I ran out of paint storage (oh yeah I got four more Army Painter speed paints three of which were metallics that I wanted to try).
So I now have a standard paint rack, a small thing one to fill a gap and deeper set of shelves with more drawers to follow.
I got the laser out to print some hexes. This has taken six months to find the energy.
Next week the plan is to paint some modern ish figures. Some are Copplestone Castings Future Wars range and the others are Kiss Kiss Bang Bang range which are also Copplestone.
A good week all round.

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

How Not To Suffer From Hobby Inertia

As you can see in the picture there is a lot on my table. This demonstrates my current work in progress. There are a lot of separate projects. Somewhere deep in my brain there is some form of traditional idea that you should start a project, finish a project and then move on to the next one. It's some strange offshoot of the Protestant work ethic I thunk.

So this is my workflow. I like to have a few things going at the same time. If I paint a batch of ten minis I will usually opt to give myself some variety within the batch, a few sci-fi, some post apocalypse, a cowboy and top up the ten with some fantasy figures, as an example. Lots and lots of Copplestone magic. The variety keeps me interested and if It have ten random figures I can batch paint them with the same colours quickly and when I have done ten batches, none of the figures look the same.

Right now this is animal week. I have amassed a range of domesticated and wild animals and this is what is in the mix for the week. There are some that are already finished this week that didn't make it into the picture.

At the same time there are half a dozen or so near future/cyberpunk/sci-fi minis that I started last week. Tag onto the some Blood Bowl minis and this is the core of where I am at.

Over the years I have learned to love the dropper bottle. Most of my paint is in dropper bottles, even the G Dub stuff. Whilst so much better that the standard pots, every now and again I end up putting too much paint on the palette. Some part of me, sculpted by my parents and grandparents does not like waste. So if I end up finding an excuse to use it. So the number of projects expands. And expands. 

There are times when I get part way through what I have started and I get bored. Having painted a hundred Star Wars Legion minis I got bored. The BattleTech stuff has been there even longer. So rather than putting the work in progress stuff to a place that it out of site, and therefor out of mind, it stays on the bench. There are a few details (mainly) that need finishing and so when I find I have some spare paint, I can leap into action. That almost made me laugh.

I am certain that I will meet and exceed my target for the month this week,

Sunday, 26 January 2025

End Of The Week (10)

I got here by the skin of my teeth. If it wasn't for insomnia I would not have made it this far. I can confidently claim completing ten figures this week. The real world and a lot of migraines got in my way. 
Really a mixed bag but erring on the side of post apocalypse. Some nice figures I think. So much so I can really say that I enjoyed myself.
Since finishing these I have moved on.  I can't claim that all of these are complete but they are pretty close. This would be another twenty to add to the total. They should all be finished this coming week. 
There has even been some work on the background project. There is some minor movement on the Blood Bowl front. Still quite a way off.
I am hoping to do some laser cutting and 3D printing as well as starting some more figures. On top of this I have promised myself I will read a novel a month (migraines seem to happen if I read too much). and I am getting pretty close.

I have some buildings I want to make on the laser cutter and more hexes for terrain. I might also take the opportunity to build some more shelves.
I have an array of animals that need painting. This picture is about two thirds of them. This is going to be the next task. If I get the stuff in the picture done I will call it twenty figures. So next week could see me finishing forty to fifty figures.

Battletech, Timing and Progress

I have a plan. I am sure we all do. My plans are always a little delayed. Forget gamer.inertis, this is the long COVID getting in the way. I eventually celebrate the little victories. I printed off some counters with the intention of attaching them to some bottle cap stickers. The process started in September. 

So I planned to play BattleTech at some point soon. So I had planned and designed some counters. Some of them didn't come out right, the black I was using is offset for some reason. So I still have more to do. But not today.
Had to laugh. My daughter saw the Care Bear I got her as a surprise. She climbed up to get it and crushed half a dozen B1 battle droids in the process. Oh wel

Sunday, 19 January 2025

End Of The Week (10)

So another end of the week. I feel like its been a good week despite time being limited. A little bit of car problems, migraines, lack of sleep and the tail end of the bad weather didn't help but I got where I needed to be. I had my ten figures done my Wednesday and then real life got in the way. Some progress was made but really this was about laying the ground for next week I finished another couple of Star Wars Legion figures so things seem to be doing okay. I am sick of the sight of Star Wars Legion stuff at the moment, so whilst I have no plans to take them off the bench they might be the background project of background projects. I should probably find the rest of the bits of the tauntaun riders. The New, New Cruelty and the Bingo seem to be helping me out.

I've worked a bit on one of my other goals for the year which is to finish a Blood Bowl Team. I have some more skaven somewhere and a star player. Until I find the rest of the rats, this is going to stay as the background project. Really need that rat ogre although looking at the price point maybe a proxy will do. Skitter Stab Stab and Hakflem Scuttlespike would also be nice.

My plan for next week mostly involves some post-apoaclyptic minis. They are mostly Crooked Dice with a few Crusader Miniatures thrown in. I needed a couple more so I added a couple more sci-fi bits from Scotia. I have also manged four posts in a week. I am very proud but I can feel another migraine coming so time to go. 

Thursday, 16 January 2025

For The Love Of Blood Bowl

I have a strained and complex relationship with Games Workshop which has been going of for four decades now. Some of it is the old grognard thing, part of it is the great betrayal, some of its the money but most of it, well practically all of it, is they don't make games I want to play. I do like their paint and its easy to get hold of but they keep changing their range, which is a pain.

Over the years the one thing I have stuck with it Blood Bowl and some of the above issues apply. I don't have a copy of the first edition because it was cardboard standees but with one exception I think I have the later ones. I mean the broke my heart when the change the size of the minis, but the new ones, well they are very nice. The star player price gouging contines. I see a few star players going for as much as two  boxes of teams and you really do need two boxes of teams.

When the first season arrived I got two sets of it as it turned out it was the cheapest way to get the extra positionals I needed to fill out the team. It takes a third box to get as many linemen as you could possibly want but who needs that many linemen? Then up to a point I was buying two boxes of each team. I now have a lot of unpainted teams. 

One of my goals for the the Year was to paint a Blood Bowl team but secretly I am hoping I find the energy to do two. That said, I am on the up at the moment, but I will no doubt crash soon. The miniatures make a nice painting challenge. They are expensive enough that I will put some effort into the paint job. Probably not what I am capable of, but pretty close. I have to fill in the gaps between seeing my daughter. 

There is the whole subgame of team selection. What have you got? What is the best value for money? Whats going to score and what isn't going to die. If you have the extra cash are you going to take an inducement or a star player?

Then there is the game itself. Whilst the rules are simple enough the real complexity of the game is in the teams. Most teams have a strength and a weakness, whilst some may have neither or all weaknesses (I am looking at the Halflings as possible the weakest team , but I do love Hobbits, although the snotlings are pretty kack despite the ogres). This means that each team favours a particular play style, running, passing, bashing and grinding all play their part and there is always the opportunity for a breakaway play. Most teams have some form of counter to their opponents plays.

Of all of the GW games I think it is the most loved and not just by me. Even it its years in the wilderness there was a thriving global community of players. It balances better than any of the new games where some forces that are great in the main game, are never going to win.

I used to be part of the MAWS wargames club and this is where I first started playing with my lovingly hand-crafted, appalling looking undead team in the early nineties. It gave me a love of the game and an urge to have all the teams. Speaking of which I should probably get back to the paint table.

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Life Vs. The Lifeless

So I woke with the urge to paint. I got a few things done and then sat down and started painting. Then I got hit by a massive migraine. My migraines are mostly a morning thing so I usually wait until they are done before I start anything. I thought I had gotten away with it. Still here we are. My ten minis for the week are not quite done but I am working on the detailing.

I get to have some family time on a Tuesday, or at least a close substitute so I am looking forward to that. 

The some Life Vs. The Lifeless by The Beautiful South earlier. "Optimism looks up and counts the stars, pessimism looks down and counts cracks" struck me hard. As did "That's what keeps you alive, the thought of undeserved death." I am struggling but feck it, you have to keep going. There is only forward, there is no going back.

Monday, 13 January 2025

Progress At Last

I feel like I am achieving something with the painting. To be honest I don't really have a plan and I usually do better with a plan. My ten figures for the week now have a base coat which is most contrast type paints. I have even manged to get some paint on the bases and a few colours gave had a second coat. Still a bit more to do but I am confident that I will get to ten figures or more this week.

This has been managed with a little bit of tinkering with the Blood Bowl skaven. I am not going out of my way to paint them but if I have some paint left over I can find something to do with it, As brown and black has featured on the palette a lot today and yesterday this means there has been some progress on the further and bits of metallic armour. I have even manged to paint the eyes. I still need to come up with a team kit colour. I usually do my teams in the colours of a rugby league team. I haven't found one that  does the skaven justice. I am think predominately purple with some green and a bit of yellow.

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

End of the week (13)

Despite the best of intentions, I haven't got much done. This is in spite of the fact that the weather here is a bit kack. It's currently 2c which is the warmest it's been all week, and I am struggling to see the house on the other side of the street because of the fog. So I was going out but have decided against it. On the bright side I haven't run out of mince pies yet.
So staying in isn't much better. I have got a bit done but not as much as I would like. Having been full pelt for Star Wars Legion I am beginning to get tired of it. So I was thinking maybe it's time to turn the Legion stuff into the background project and start something else. That said I have finished thirteen figures this week. This isn't start to finish but they have been hanging around for a while.
I have added some tauntaun riders into the mix although I need to find a few bits to finish them off. I am quite happy for these to be the Background Project.
So for the change I have dipped into my primed and based queue. This is a long queue. So entering the foreground is a bit of a mix of modernish / sci-fi in 28mm. Some  of it is Stargrave, which for some reason is on my mind. There is some stuff from Scotia. I mainly brought these because I think Mark Copplestone created them. There is a solitary Crooked Dice post-apocalypse mini. Then there is one guy that I have no idea where he comes from. I will be sticking with contrast type paints in the main so confidence is high that I will manage to complete these, start-to-finish, this week.
At the New Year I promised to paint a Blood Bowl Team this year. So I found my Skaven team. Well some of it at least. As the Star Wars Legion stuff is the background project, these are even further back. I haven't even settled on colours for the kit. Still I can paint the flesh fur, boots and the like. I had kind of promised myself that I wouldn't add anything else to the bench until I had finished some more stuff. What can I say, I am a week person.

Anyway, this is my bingo score card for the week. I am happy with my results so far but I am beginning to think some of my choices are a little ambitious.