Today was Father's Day. I've had a nice meal (eaten very quickly in the playground area of a beer garden because that's what you do) and I got a few nice presents. Phoenix Point (it's a shinier version of X-Com) is a game I have been after for a while and Count Dooku for Star Wars Legion.
This is the kind of present that makes happy. A good day all round.Followers
Sunday, 19 June 2022
Sunday, 5 June 2022
On a Role
Role-playing us about the only gaming I am doing at the moment. Setting aside throwing rocks at Airfix figures and MB Games Tank Battle, the first real gaming I did was Tunnels & Trolls. I liked the way the game sounded way more than D&D. Something that I still feel today. The wargaming thing came along shortly after. It was a long time before board games became a thing and they were usually played alongside the people I used to RPG and wargame with.
It has to be said that I am missing wargaming more than a little. Board gaming is perhaps the easiest ask. There are plenty of opportunities as board game cafes seem to be everywhere now. I have a gaming group for RPGs but would like to run my own games again which looks like it will happen soon. Wargaming, because it's generally one on one is just harder to find opponents for. There are a few possibilities but I guess we will see.
We all know that this kind of hobby is a bit niche. A lot of players are somewhere on the spectrum, even me apparently, and it depends what you are comfortable with. I struggle with rules lawyers and I struggle even more with the "I'm right and I will shout longer and louder than you until you accept I am right, no matter what the rules say". I see this a lot with games geared towards competitive play, the ones with big armies that need big pockets to play. Past experience if these puts me off. Months of painting and a big financial outlay ruined by shouty angry people. This is perhaps why I prefer skirmish games. At least then it's weeks and a small financial outlay.
So I guess what I aim for now is the more solitary experience. My plan to breed some gamers is still work in progress but will take a little time. In the mean time I will just keep it going.