Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Looking Forward

Everything is easier when you have a plan, especially when it comes to dealing with the day to day "grind" of painting miniatures. My current plan for the "grind" is The New, New Cruelty. I am back at it and not just on the gaming side of things. It's not just gaming either. It works for other aspects in my currently interesting life.

The exercise is making me push on through. Figure painting is what I want to do so I am doing it. It would be a lie to say I am not enjoying it. Currently I am working through my lead mountain. Although I have brought a little bit of scenery this year I haven't acquired any new figures. So arguably I am now almost a hundred figures into my lead mountain. Part of me is thinking it's time to ease of the accelerator as I might actually start to run out of figures. I am already starting to think I am going to run out of figures I actually want to paint fair soon.

What I need is something to look forward to. Every year I have my plan. It gives me something to strive to much like The New, New Cruelty. Right now I am struggling to figure it out. Part of it is money but I suspect that this isn't a big part of what is going on.

Sooner or later I am going to run out of steam. When that happens the pace of my output will drop. What I need is something I am passionate about. Right here and now I don't have that. There are a few games that I have done a fair amount of stuff for. What I seem to be doing is my figures for other people's games. None of those games are currently running or appear to be running any time soon.

I need some pondering time...


  1. If painting is what you like to do best, why not paint and sell?
    This way you can do what you like and it gives you more money to start new projects. It also gives you something to look forward to.
    Great start on these soldiers by the way.

    1. Would love to paint for money. I just never find anyone who wants to give me their cash.
