Saturday, 2 March 2019

Background Projects And Painting Fatigue

I mention background projects all the time. These are the things that I do when, for whatever reason, I can't or don't want to work on my current project. Most of the time this has to do with letting wash dry. Sometimes it's because I have poured out a bit too much paint out. More often than I like it's just because I wanna do it.

This week I have done some work on a three Reaper Bone bookcases. Lots of books needs lots of different colours. So this makes the ideal background project. Every time I have a little paint to use that is the right colour, then I paint a few spines. The paint usually comes from when I am doing some detailing on one of the figures in this weeks batch.

One of the things I hear a lot about on YouTube is painting fatigue. As I get it all the while I assume that most of you get it as well. Along with having a target for the week and the year, I find that having a background project also helps. Maybe this helps to cleanse the metaphorical painting palette (but not a real one).

1 comment:

  1. I know it far too well, which is why most of my projects either take so long to finish or end up not getting finished at all.
    I did discover that there is a certain satisfaction in actually getting done, but the longer a project takes, the more this feeling declines. Which is why my hobby always goes with up and downs.
    Best of luck overcoming your fatigue, hopefully you can keep your mood up.
