
Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Painting The Grenadiers, Now Technically Mirliton Miniatures

As time goes by I have gotten better at painting and whilst, I am no professional, I do okay at painting 28mm figures. Well I think so. The trouble with getting better is that everything takes that bit longer. When I was painting 15mm minis, which I used to do a lot, I could get ten figures done in an afternoon and they would look okay. I dare say if I worked all day I could paint ten 28mm figures fairly well. Sadly I never get all day.
A mixed bag. Reaper. Foundry, Grenadier, Foundry again and Grenadier again.

Last week was a bit of a bump for my painting plans. It was not the best week all round. This week, whilst better, is still looking like hard work. Today is looking like the only day I am going to get to do much. So I guess it's good I managed to finish enough figures to complete last week's target and this week's target as well. Then there is about another dozen or so that are pretty close to completion and another twenty based, primed and ready to go.

So as I can't paint I am watching YouTube. For the last couple of days I have been wanting to watch the original Dawn Of The Dead. It's still a classic and the benchmark for anything to do with zombies ever since. All in all not a bad night.
This should be the archetype for my next zombie

Monday, 2 April 2018

End Or Start Of The Week

This has not been my most productive week of miniature painting. It's still Easter weekend so I am calling this the end and start of the week and my habit is to review the week.
I only managed to get four figures finished from last week's roster. This fell short of my usual target of five figures. Given that I am repainting an titivating some figures I had much higher expectations. That said it has been an exceptionally crap week. Stuff has been going on this week and it's not been good. It's also a bad anniversary for me which has caused me to have an almost total lack of focus. Still there is a chance that I can catch up this week as a lot of the other figures I started are pretty close to being finished. The New Cruelty is not happy.

Assuming that I am going to get somewhere with these figures, there is another bunch of figures to do. Whilst I was having a sort out the other week I came across a bunch of mutants which I think are Mongoose Miniatures Judge Dread Muties. These were done well over a decade ago and are pretty bad, hence the picture being at a bit of a distance. These should improve quite nicely.

On the health front I have managed a 5k run this week. Not my fastest performance ever but I managed it. The second one I have managed since taking my health a bit more seriously. After all that I can safely say that I am the lightest I have been this decade. So on balance I have managed to get through the week.

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Happy Easter

Happy chocolate production industry windfall day to you all.

Seriously, happy Easter to you all. Just got a few more chocolate eggs to eat.