Saturday, 19 August 2017

"Completer Finisher"

It's not quite the end of the week and the only time I have picked up a paintbrush is to daub bases with ten year old ink to give them a bit of texture. As I seem to be in the mood for finishing things off and starting new things it means my work bench is only getting busier again. I have almost got to the stage where I have a draw full of primed miniatures to keep me busy till the end of the year.

Whilst doing this I got distracted by green stuff, bits of basing mainly but there is a plan for a few more swarm bases. There is a reaper bones mini that needed some work doing on it to even it out. I have been talking about dark elves all week. This got me into prepping the miniatures.Then I wanted to base them. This ended up with some of them going onto green stuff treated bases. I decided to put some work into these. I'll show them when they are done but about half of them are now on bases. The mouldings are nice enough for twenty year old designs but they had, and I mean had, really big pointy ears. To get them to fit more with my view of what is going on I took a blade to them. What would D+D players think?

Then there was the basing. There is a lot of stuff floating around that needed a few details finishing them off on the bases. Some texturing, inking and highlighting mainly.

Varnishing next. I must have spray varnished fifty figures this week/ All this in the name of distraction.

Anyway, here are some of the (lessor) night goblins.

Going back a few years, this would have been a paint table saturday thing. I miss that. It would be nice to sort that out again.

1 comment:

  1. Still some of the best goblin models out there in my opinion.
    Well painted!
