Sunday, 18 June 2017

Sunday, Sunday

Yesterday was more about playing games than today. That was more Saturday, Saturday. We played through one of my friends ideas about a World War 2 game. It was quick and but needs a lot of work doing to it but it wasn't all bad. Then we had a go at Castle Panic again. We nearly lost the game but just about managed to pull it make it back in the moments. There was a lot of tooing and froing but is was clear from the get go that I was not going to win they game but surviving is sometimes all you can hope for.

It's been very warm here today. The game room has been to hot to go in without the sweat pouring off you. A copy of the Scythe board game has come into my possession along with an expansion for Tokaido. So I am guessing that I am going to give these a try. I haven't play Tokaido with the first expansion yet. I am still getting used to the basic game. It seems better to play it through a few times before adding new things in to keep it interesting. This may take a bit of time.

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