Saturday, 27 May 2017

Going Modular

The weather is still too damn hot. Despite hearing a pretty significant thunderstorm in the distance, I haven't seen much rain today. Family commitments have taken me out of the house for a fair chunk of the day so I haven't got too much done.

What time I have had today I have spent working on the business. I have ordered my laser cutter now and that should be with me at the end of next week. I have just found out the police that I intended to order mdf from only does pick up and will not deliver. It's a doable drive but still have a day of farting around to manage it.

Much of what I have been doing is working on a modular building idea. This seems to be taking an age. It's comlex but not that complicated. It's the little details that seem to be getting in the way. Every now and again I end up with something that is a little less than a tenth of a millimeter out. This is not in itself a problem. however, if you copy something that is out by a little bit and paste it into something else then the error compounds and suddenly everything is out of kilter. It has to be said that this seems very much like the rest of my life at the moment.

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