Sunday, 12 February 2017

More On Scatter Terrain

Not much time again today. It was 6pm before I even thought about getting started. I took my mum out for a bit. She was really happy to be getting out of the house. I forgot how tired I am after the bug the other week and game back home and slept on the sofa for nearly two hours. So much for my plan of getting something done.
So I have glued another wood pile together and some more wooden bases. I found enough bases to do a third pile of foam, which I might just paint blue. I also found some similar sized plywood bases which I figure would do okay for wooden boards. See if I can find some clear wood stain and see if that works.

Pipes next. They look okay at the moment. I think I will need to prime these as they are way too shiny to hold paint and black is a bad colour to do anything with anyway. If I prime them grey, they should look okay dry-brushed. The tricky bit was finding something for them to rest on. I ended up doing more than I thought. Three singles, two doubles and a single stacked triple is the plan.

I found the enthusiasm to build some pallets. They don't take a huge amount of time to do but they do look good. I am sure that I can find a use for the other one and the plan is to make about a dozen more. I've placed some chemical drums on them just for show. I am currently debating basing them. This would detract from the look but they would be a lot more robust.

Then the plan is to do some covered piles. I haven't found something to cover them in yet but I am sure I will find something when I look hard enough.


  1. The pallets turned out really well. Nice bits of scatter terrain you're assembling here.

  2. Apparently bandage soaked bandage soaked in glue works well for making covers for piles of pipes and planks, so I stashed a load to try when clearing out the old first aid kits at work...
