Wednesday, 1 February 2017


I started out feeling a bit dizzy yesterday. Now I pretty much have all the symptoms of meningitis. Fortunately they are also the symptoms of a flu that is going around. This is apparently going to see me floored for a week and worn out for another. Yeah. Standing up is proving a challenge as is daylight. Oddly enough, other than a sore throat and a bit of a sniffle I don't seem to have any of the symptoms of regular flu.

So staring at figures to paint them has been a bit of a no go. I haven't even looked at the work bench. I get motion sickness if I play games and the light on my laptop is way too bright. I am hoping that it isn't going to be as bad as the medics have said as it will well and truly bugger up my plans for Sunday and Monday.


  1. Get better soon, man flu is no joke!

    1. Cheers. Man flu is definitely better than women flu. Man flu is over in a few days. Woman flu is a chronic condition that they never get rid of. It makes them constantly grumpy and irritable and causes them to complain about everything.

  2. Get well soon Fred, that doesn't sound nice at all.

    1. Thanks. It could be worse. It's meant I have spent the day in bed.
