Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Damn Dog

Today has been a bit of a slow day. I am blaming the dog. Every time I got of the couch the dog was jumping around. Despite talking her for a walk, feeding her, giving her bonus snacks and playing with her chew toy, she would not leave me alone. The only peace I have had has been when I was on the sofa. It is obviously not because I have lost my mojo.

I did manage to do some stuff with the terrain I have started. This mainly involved painting the packaged containers I started playing about with the other day. I also had a go at gluing some small pipes together. As the pipes are made from biros bits, the ink went everywhere. Then I moved on to the cars. This is turning into a major project. The plan is to turn some into police cars. A German one, and American one and a British one. So I put some masking tape on them in preparation.

So as I have been stuck on the sofa with the dog welded to my thigh. This has meant that I been playing games. I am now finally downloading Conan Exiles. Survival crafting games seem to be my current thing.

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