Thursday, 9 February 2017

A Year Gone Bye

I had a bad nights sleep last night. Today, or more accurately at about 2 am this morning was the anniversary of my Dad's death. So not the best of days for me and mine especially as my mum's illness was also a big part of the day. I have been tired and grumpy not to mention being ill all day.

My mum and dad had not long moved back into the country when he was diagnosed with cancer. I was happy when they came back because it meant I would have some time with them. On a day to day basis I forgot about that. I had so many chances to spend some time with him that I didn't take. Today I think about that and I feel nothing but regret.

So...If you happen to be reading this, remember the people around you, if you'll miss them when they are gone, go and spend a bit of time with them. I also think about the things he has left undone and my dad was a bit of a whirlwind when it came to getting things done. He went out regretting a lot of what he hadn't done. If he is going to go, regretting what he hadn't done, then the rest of us should get on with doing.

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