Friday, 1 January 2016

New Year's Resolutions


Do People still do that? New year's resolutions I mean.

I started off this afternoon with the best of intentions. I placed some half painted figures on my work bench and then realised that I was too tired to do anything. Then the whinging started and before I knew anything else I was waking up in my easy chair with a cold cup of tea.

Still, I have gotten the year off to a good start with my first post.


  1. The research for this sort of thing (changing behaviours – intent versus actualisation) shows that it's very difficult to make permanent change without considerable work. Good thing really, otherwise I'd be out of a job. ;-)

    1. Can't beat a bit of repeat business. I have a whole load of excuses too. A few big things gong on that need to be attended to. However, I have managed to do some painting today.

  2. Well done for your first post. I find Christmas a relaxed time for hobbying anyway far to much going on.

    1. There is relaxed and then there is comatose. That said, even though the painting has been slow, the writing has been doing okay.
