
Monday, 27 October 2014


As I missed out on Donnington show earlier in the month, I thought I'd make an effort to go to Fiasco. It's not a big show, but it's fairly local and easy to get to (not so easy to get out of tho). It was quite slow really. I didn't spend much, as the picture below shows the booty hall for the show (technically I got two packs of this). This is a shame as I had money to burn, it being my birthday.

These are planned to be done up as stand alone stuff as part of my never ending quest for tabletop scenery. The other pack are destined for the Summerland/death by trees apocalypse game I am planning. Speaking of which, I could kill Doctor Who's writers who seem to have stolen my idea.

My memories of Leeds are that it is always cold and usually wet, even during the summer. Pudsey, just outside of Leeds where Recon will be held in a few weeks seems colder. It was no different this time around.


  1. Nice little haul dude! Happy Burfday dude!

  2. Yes a nice haul I have a set myself!

  3. It's the North, so of course it's cold and wet. ;-)
