Friday, 8 August 2014

Good News

Well, I have a laptop again. Thanks dad. I have money in the bank but my other half has forbid me from using it before we move which might be a couple of months yet. The thought of having no laptop for months after someone in the house breaking it and not owning up has been doing my head in.

So I have two projects on the horizon. The first is some weird war 2 as an RPG. There is some savage worlds stuff that I am using a place to start. I have got some British Paras from Warlord. These are set to be the core of the players and their team. I got a good deal on some Warlord minis. On the downside the big box was half empty but but the shop and Warlord treated me very well. They even threw in some extra transfers. I guess I have a few bits that are not going to be much  use. I might have to take up Bolt Action or I may just sell them. I will have to get a few more and of course some more to put them up against. Artizan are looking good for some PC types and maybe some enemies but I alsolike the idea of guards from Wargames Foundry. The game will be more like the beginning of Hellboy than massive metal battle armour.

I am also looking at a new work bench for when I move. This is probably going to be something that can be hidden away so I am thinking a bureau/writing desk/roll top desk. I am hoping to find something cheap on eBay. As I am already starting to pack stuff up, this might be something I can do on the side.

The packing process has made me think about all the half started projects that I have started. I am hoping that I will be able to do something about that soon. You never know, I may even gets some pictures.


  1. Good to hear things are heading in the right direction again and best of luck with the move Fred.
