Where does the time go? With summer holidays, illnesses and work time has just shot by. At the moment I am trapped in home work hell. this is a mixture of trying to do some coursework for myself and proving that I am smarter than a twelve year old (which apparently I am but it has left me with something of a headache). I've found a little painting time but not as much. I have been largely distracted by the real world. It looks like I may be moving soon. It's looking like I will be in North Wales in a few months. I know I don't have a good word to say about welsh fish and chip shops but the place is pretty nice and may even be zombie proof.
First a big plug. I have been playing board games with a guy with an online shop called
Monkeys With Fire. He is a decent bloke and offers good deals on board games, comics and memorabilia. His site is well worth a look.
I haven't had much time to work recently and less to work on the blog. Even so It's been a few months since I posted anything so I thought I had better do something even if it is a fairly short post with no pictures today.
There has been some work done on the Victory Force stuff that arrived the other week but at least it is some where to getting them done. I still have some work to do on the Crooked Dice stuff but I guess this is my latest temporary obsession.
I've also started a 28mm Viking project and been doing some role playing stuff. The plan is to run a game that is vaguely based on Skyrim sometime in the new year. I have some vaguely Norse fantasy stuff to go with it as well. Instead of painting I seemed to have spent a huge amount of time on Ebay buying up stuff as cheaply as I can find.
I will be doing some more fallout stuff in 15mm as the game is coming around again.
There is also a plan to buy some stuff from
MinintureMOJO. This is going to be more post apocalypse stuff. I fancy the figures but not sure I want them for a winter apocalypse. I fancy something more like the
Summerland RPG. I really like the MiniatureMOJO figures and he seems to be supporting the game. There will even be zombies.
Thanks for reading.