Sunday, 20 January 2013


I wanted some more ruins on the basis that you can never have enough (post apocalyptic) terrain. There will be more I'm sure. Whilst playing Fallout, I was always frustrated by the fact that there were some buildings that you could not get into I thought I would share the frustration on the table top. Well it seemed like a good idea when I started putting them together. The first of the three has a little bit of excuse to use for ladders for roof to roof access.

The next building is more typical of what I have done in the past and looks like what I would call a more conventional ruin. This time there is a paved area and some walls ton the side and a path along the front. It struck me whilst I was doing it that there was never enough rubble so I decided to put some more in than I had in the past. There is still far from enough but I thought it looked a bit better.

I have been after some bigger buildings for a while. If I ever get round to buying some more mechs, I want to have something for them to hide behind. I haven't done a lot of work on this because I think I have made the base too high. I'll sit and watch it and see if I like it. Chances are I am going to lop some         off the bottom.

I also found this water lurker for Hoards of the Things that was hiding on the desk. I wanted to be able to cover all the troop types for the game and this is one of the gaps. A good friend of mine gave me some odds and sods ages ago so I am not sure where it came from but as far as I can figure out it's an oldish GW mini from the original Dreadfleet. I played a bit of a fantasy wargaming using the very old Tercio rules recently. I really enjoyed the game but could not help think that games have moved on a lot since the seventies as far as games go.

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