I haven't managed to get much painting done in the last weeks because I have done my back in. There are currently more packets of pills on my work bench than figures. The only chair I am comfortable in is the chair I normally use to paint in. Trouble is as soon as I get into a position that I can paint in, my back starts hurting. Whilst I don't have much to paint I do have some stuff that I have already painted that I have yet to post.
I was working on some Viking berserkers and in between I was also tinkering with some more magic users types. They are sat there gathering dust at the moment. I have also manager to distress some larger 28mm vehicles which I plan to use for my version of scavenger skirmish survive when I get round to it.
So I thought I'd post this guy. It's another one for the Skyrimesque game. He is currently sat in a foam tray. The colour is a bit unusual but seems to have worked.
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Friday, 15 November 2013
Read This Blog Post
Just read Tomsche post over at Società di archeologia e cimeli. It's a rant about gamers and fanboys and I do love to rant myself. I don't do recommend other bloggers posts much but I think this was a great, heartfelt post which struck a real chord with me.
Monday, 11 November 2013
Eleventh Hour Of The Eleventh Day Of The Eleventh Month
Remember the dead, think abut the living. Then dig deep.

When you've shouted "Rule Britannia": when you've sung "God Save the Queen"
When you've finished killing Kruger with your mouth:
Will you kindly drop a shilling in my little tambourine
For a gentleman in khaki ordered South?
He's an absent-minded beggar and his weaknesses are great:
But we and Paul must take him as we find him:
He is out on active service wiping something off a slate:
And he's left a lot of little things behind him!
Duke's son – cook's son – son of a hundred kings,
(Fifty thousand horse and foot going to Table Bay!)
Each of 'em doing his country's work (and who's to look after the things?)
Pass the hat for your credit's sake, and pay – pay – pay!
There are girls he married secret, asking no permission to,
For he knew he wouldn't get it if he did.
There is gas and coal and vittles, and the house-rent falling due,
And it's rather more than likely there's a kid.
There are girls he walked with casual, they'll be sorry now he's gone,
For an absent-minded beggar they will find him,
But it ain't the time for sermons with the winter coming on:
We must help the girl that Tommy's left behind him!
Cook's son – Duke's son – son of a belted Earl,
Son of a Lambeth publican – it's all the same to-day!
Each of 'em doing his country's work (and who's to look after the girl?)
Pass the hat for your credit's sake, and pay – pay – pay!
There are families by the thousands, far too proud to beg or speak:
And they'll put their sticks and bedding up the spout,
And they'll live on half o' nothing paid 'em punctual once a week,
'Cause the man that earned the wage is ordered out.
He's an absent-minded beggar, but he heard his country's call,
And his reg'ment didn't need to send to find him;
He chucked his job and joined it – so the task before us all
Is to help the home that Tommy's left behind him!
Duke's job – cook's job – gardener, baronet, groom -
Mews or palace or paper-shop – there's someone gone away!
Each of 'em doing his country's work (and who's to look after the room?)
Pass the hat for your credit's sake, and pay – pay – pay!
Let us manage so as later we can look him in the face,
And tell him what he'd very much prefer:
That, while he saved the Empire his employer saved his place,
And his mates (that's you and me) looked out for her.
He's an absent-minded beggar, and he may forget it all,
But we do not want his kiddies to remind him
That we sent 'em to the workhouse while their daddy hammered Paul,
So we'll help the homes that Tommy's left behind him!
Cook's home – Duke's home – home of a millionaire –
(Fifty thousand horse and foot going to Table Bay!)
Each of 'em doing his country's work (and what have you got to spare?)
Pass the hat for your credit's sake, and pay – pay – pay!
When you've shouted "Rule Britannia": when you've sung "God Save the Queen"
When you've finished killing Kruger with your mouth:
Will you kindly drop a shilling in my little tambourine
For a gentleman in khaki ordered South?
He's an absent-minded beggar and his weaknesses are great:
But we and Paul must take him as we find him:
He is out on active service wiping something off a slate:
And he's left a lot of little things behind him!
Duke's son – cook's son – son of a hundred kings,
(Fifty thousand horse and foot going to Table Bay!)
Each of 'em doing his country's work (and who's to look after the things?)
Pass the hat for your credit's sake, and pay – pay – pay!
There are girls he married secret, asking no permission to,
For he knew he wouldn't get it if he did.
There is gas and coal and vittles, and the house-rent falling due,
And it's rather more than likely there's a kid.
There are girls he walked with casual, they'll be sorry now he's gone,
For an absent-minded beggar they will find him,
But it ain't the time for sermons with the winter coming on:
We must help the girl that Tommy's left behind him!
Cook's son – Duke's son – son of a belted Earl,
Son of a Lambeth publican – it's all the same to-day!
Each of 'em doing his country's work (and who's to look after the girl?)
Pass the hat for your credit's sake, and pay – pay – pay!
There are families by the thousands, far too proud to beg or speak:
And they'll put their sticks and bedding up the spout,
And they'll live on half o' nothing paid 'em punctual once a week,
'Cause the man that earned the wage is ordered out.
He's an absent-minded beggar, but he heard his country's call,
And his reg'ment didn't need to send to find him;
He chucked his job and joined it – so the task before us all
Is to help the home that Tommy's left behind him!
Duke's job – cook's job – gardener, baronet, groom -
Mews or palace or paper-shop – there's someone gone away!
Each of 'em doing his country's work (and who's to look after the room?)
Pass the hat for your credit's sake, and pay – pay – pay!
Let us manage so as later we can look him in the face,
And tell him what he'd very much prefer:
That, while he saved the Empire his employer saved his place,
And his mates (that's you and me) looked out for her.
He's an absent-minded beggar, and he may forget it all,
But we do not want his kiddies to remind him
That we sent 'em to the workhouse while their daddy hammered Paul,
So we'll help the homes that Tommy's left behind him!
Cook's home – Duke's home – home of a millionaire –
(Fifty thousand horse and foot going to Table Bay!)
Each of 'em doing his country's work (and what have you got to spare?)
Pass the hat for your credit's sake, and pay – pay – pay!
X-Com:Enemy Unknown - Can I Turn It Into A Tabletop RPG?
I've been thinking about doing the new X-Com as a project in 28mm for some
time. I got the game as a Christmas present last year and have been
thinking about it off and on since then. I assume that this is going
to be my next RPG after my Skyrim themed game which will hopefully be
ready in the new year so I am trying to forward plan. Setting it up,
especially the figures, is taxing me a little though so I am asking
for help.
I have a soft spot for the old X-Com game and is probably the computer game I have played the most over the years. The old X-Com never seemed to get off the ground and I was hoping to turn the idea into a role playing game more than a wargame. I am not set on an exact duplication because I don't think it's going to be achieved without a massive effort. What I am trying to achieve is something that evokes (as closely as possible) the game.
I've looked around the web and there doesn't seem to have been many people all that keen on the idea (the game was pretty good even of it wasn't old x-com) so I was wondering if any one had given miniatures for the game any thoughts? This is what I have so far.
Sectoids There are currently several options but think I am going to use Tengu models. I have some already so that makes the choice easy.
Thin man There must be some badly designed, very thin humans n suits out there that I don't know about. I was thinking that there might be something.
Outsider I have no ideas about this race. So much so that I am likely to just forget about it and come up with something else.
Floater Currently thinking an old space marine body with some very old flight packs I have around. Stick the torso on a flying stand, give it a weapon and away we go,
Muton Large brawny, armoured humanoids. This seems like it is back to GW, I am currently favouring a chaos terminator torso because of the cowl on very old plastic space marine legs with a little bit of work especially for the specialists (elite and berserker)
Chryssalid I am guessing that there must be something out there maybe Tyranid (why does it all have to be GW? I dread going in there, I hate being the oldest person in the room and the staff always home in on me because they think I have money). Making something like this is beyond my green stuff skills and I need a few of them so I don't really want to put in any unnecessary time on these so a whole model would be nice.
Zombies Think I can work this one out for myself (I have a hundred or so)
Cyber Disc Much as I like the new ones, unless there is something easy and cheap I am probably going to find a disk about the right shape, score it a little and paint it white. The nw ones are just a little too techno for me.
Drone As if these things weren't annoying enough in the game, I have drawn a blank when coming up with ideas. I might go down the cyber disc route and stick something like a marble on a flying stand and have done with it. Suggestions would be nice
Sectopod These are large fighting robots. Now I can't find what I want but I have something that I can use, which is a small 15mm combat mech which is big enough to fit on a large base. I like the old one more than the new one, so I guess I will live with that. If anyone has any ideas for something I could use instead I am open to suggestions.
Ethereals This is another race where I preferred the older version of the race. Tall skinny humanoids with Ben Kenobi robes. Still I have no idea about what I can do to make these so suspect that this is going to be a green stuff job. I guess that there is some scope for the use of Eldar (sigh) but I would sooner have something else.
There are still a few aliens from the old games that might be nice to include. Snakemen and various blobs spring to mind. All would be nice to include and I may make up a few more for good measure.
Then of course there are the humans. The key things are that they must be modular. Preferable they should have several forms of armour and come equipped with a range of weaponry. Something that would be easy to chop and change would be nice. In my mind, I will be upgrading the soldiers as the game goes on. I was originally thinking the denizen 25mm stuff but it is really small compared to the rest of the stuff I have and Pig Iron has also sprung to mind but I am drawing a blank at the moment.
I have no intention of making terrain so I am looking at using maps. I can't find any maps for the game online so I guess I'm on to the home made front again. I'll want to make some myself so a good source of overlays would be nice.
I have a soft spot for the old X-Com game and is probably the computer game I have played the most over the years. The old X-Com never seemed to get off the ground and I was hoping to turn the idea into a role playing game more than a wargame. I am not set on an exact duplication because I don't think it's going to be achieved without a massive effort. What I am trying to achieve is something that evokes (as closely as possible) the game.
I've looked around the web and there doesn't seem to have been many people all that keen on the idea (the game was pretty good even of it wasn't old x-com) so I was wondering if any one had given miniatures for the game any thoughts? This is what I have so far.
Sectoids There are currently several options but think I am going to use Tengu models. I have some already so that makes the choice easy.
Thin man There must be some badly designed, very thin humans n suits out there that I don't know about. I was thinking that there might be something.
Outsider I have no ideas about this race. So much so that I am likely to just forget about it and come up with something else.
Floater Currently thinking an old space marine body with some very old flight packs I have around. Stick the torso on a flying stand, give it a weapon and away we go,
Muton Large brawny, armoured humanoids. This seems like it is back to GW, I am currently favouring a chaos terminator torso because of the cowl on very old plastic space marine legs with a little bit of work especially for the specialists (elite and berserker)
Chryssalid I am guessing that there must be something out there maybe Tyranid (why does it all have to be GW? I dread going in there, I hate being the oldest person in the room and the staff always home in on me because they think I have money). Making something like this is beyond my green stuff skills and I need a few of them so I don't really want to put in any unnecessary time on these so a whole model would be nice.
Zombies Think I can work this one out for myself (I have a hundred or so)
Cyber Disc Much as I like the new ones, unless there is something easy and cheap I am probably going to find a disk about the right shape, score it a little and paint it white. The nw ones are just a little too techno for me.
Drone As if these things weren't annoying enough in the game, I have drawn a blank when coming up with ideas. I might go down the cyber disc route and stick something like a marble on a flying stand and have done with it. Suggestions would be nice
Sectopod These are large fighting robots. Now I can't find what I want but I have something that I can use, which is a small 15mm combat mech which is big enough to fit on a large base. I like the old one more than the new one, so I guess I will live with that. If anyone has any ideas for something I could use instead I am open to suggestions.
Ethereals This is another race where I preferred the older version of the race. Tall skinny humanoids with Ben Kenobi robes. Still I have no idea about what I can do to make these so suspect that this is going to be a green stuff job. I guess that there is some scope for the use of Eldar (sigh) but I would sooner have something else.
There are still a few aliens from the old games that might be nice to include. Snakemen and various blobs spring to mind. All would be nice to include and I may make up a few more for good measure.
Then of course there are the humans. The key things are that they must be modular. Preferable they should have several forms of armour and come equipped with a range of weaponry. Something that would be easy to chop and change would be nice. In my mind, I will be upgrading the soldiers as the game goes on. I was originally thinking the denizen 25mm stuff but it is really small compared to the rest of the stuff I have and Pig Iron has also sprung to mind but I am drawing a blank at the moment.
I have no intention of making terrain so I am looking at using maps. I can't find any maps for the game online so I guess I'm on to the home made front again. I'll want to make some myself so a good source of overlays would be nice.
Savage Worlds,
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Birthday Elves Again
This is just an update of what I started earlier. I wanted some "white elves" or light elves because they are part of the Norse myths. There is nothing much that really says what they look like out there so I thought I would try to make them multi use. The "white" bit is about their fairly pale colouration. This allows them to be used as wood or sylvan elves which are a bit more mainstream. They do have the radiant and beautiful "fairer than the sun" vibe. These figures also have a bard like figure which I feel fits in very much with the background. They have a nice haughty look which makes them useful as a bad guy as well as a player character if I decide to let them in as a player race.
eBay Purchase,
Gripping Beast,
Not 15mm,
Savage Worlds,
Sunday, 3 November 2013
Birthday Elves
Never start thinking you are on a roll when you are blogging. The self confidence makes you a bit cocky. Family arrive, puppies poop all over the kitchen and suddenly you remember all sorts of bits of work that need doing. I haven't done much but I do have a bit of work in progress to show.
I haven't done much since my birthday, hence birthday elves and no, not the kind that leave well packaged presents at the foot of the bed. I started doing some painting on these elves for the Viking game. These are actually some old grenadier miniatures and not the Mirilton recasts. Since starting these, I have ordered a batch more from Mirilton. Some more elves and a lot of bits and pieces. They fit the world I am planning. Whilst they look a little wood elf like, they have a bard (or musician if you like) which is very Norse. They are destined to be white elves from Norse mythology hence the platinum blond look.
As a Birthday present I ordered some more stuff from Gripping Beat and got some stuff at a wargame show. I'll get round to posting some pics of what I got and a bit more brain numbing dialogue soon. I think I am feeling the Berserkers as the next paint job although I have a few bits and pieces to finish. I got some more at a show a while back but on closer examination I really didn't like them much so I'll stick with the gripping beast stuff. I have seem some nice paint jobs done of these on line as well so I am quite hopeful they will turn out okay.
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I've even managed a conversation from a bow man to a wizard |
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They just look haughty (uppity maybe?) |
As a Birthday present I ordered some more stuff from Gripping Beat and got some stuff at a wargame show. I'll get round to posting some pics of what I got and a bit more brain numbing dialogue soon. I think I am feeling the Berserkers as the next paint job although I have a few bits and pieces to finish. I got some more at a show a while back but on closer examination I really didn't like them much so I'll stick with the gripping beast stuff. I have seem some nice paint jobs done of these on line as well so I am quite hopeful they will turn out okay.
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More weapons than I will ever need |
eBay Purchase,
Gripping Beast,
Not 15mm,
Savage Worlds,
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Happy Halloween
Well Halloween is here. Another example of American cultural imperialism. I blame E.T. The Extraterrestrials. Still I suppose it made D+D seem almost normal.
Grumpy old man moment over.
We went on a Halloween night out a few days ago and enjoyed a really fun haunted hayride. Whilst we were out we saw a really scary spirit which you can see here almost hidden behind a zombie. Don't look into her eyes. If you've seen "The Ring" you know what's coming.
Grumpy old man moment over.
We went on a Halloween night out a few days ago and enjoyed a really fun haunted hayride. Whilst we were out we saw a really scary spirit which you can see here almost hidden behind a zombie. Don't look into her eyes. If you've seen "The Ring" you know what's coming.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
The Big 30,000
I think I must have got to 30,000 in the early hours of the morning. There must be someone other than my dad ready my blog. For those of you that do read thanks very much. If anyone fancies putting me on their blog list or +1 I would greatly appreciate it. Yes I am a blog tart but at least I don't have 2500 friends on Facebook. Think of it as an almost birthday present.
Sunday, 20 October 2013
What's On The Workbench
This is one of those posts where I don't have too much to say today. I've done my Zomtober bit for the day but still feel the urge.
Work has not progressed much but I feel the urge to blog about something. The work bench is looking very distressed at the moment. On the plus side I can actually see some green so I have some surface to play with. It's probably time that I had a bit of a tidy up or maybe just add some more shelves so I have less to complain about.
eBay Purchase,
Gripping Beast,
Savage Worlds,
Wyrd Games
Zomtober Part 3 - Return Of The Son Of Zomtober
These are a fair bit shorter than the average 28mm figure and obviously a lot greyer. They have the classic Grey alien vibe. Just back light them and they would be perfect for the end of Close Encounters of the Third Kind (if it featured zombies).
These were not very difficult figures to paint but I was worried that it was going to look like it had been stained with nicotine surrounded by glowing mold. I don't think I got that in the end. They do look quite rancid in places. I love the way their faces have come out. Most look quite menacing. The kind of thing you wouldn't want to meat on a dark planet or at the end of the bed.
Saturday, 19 October 2013
More Malifaux
This is the rest of the Rasputina Malifaux band including the eponymous hero herself. I think it's the hero figure that I like the least. You have to wonder waht they were thinking of when they had the design meeting (which must happen a lot in design meetings). There are a lot of little Ice Gamin (which is apparently not a type of sat nav but a small ice spirit). The Gamin should fit nicely with the winter theme of the Skyrim game. They all come of those round lipped bases which I hate. These are much bigger than the usual 25mm/1" which makes them fun on gridded tabletops. Without them they don't work for Malifaux. Aside from the boss I have ideas for all the others. I suspect the boss is going to end as a workbench warmer. Mind you I have enough of them already I should be able to grow tomatoes in the work room.
Savage Worlds,
Wyrd Games
Friday, 18 October 2013
Malifaux - Ice Golem
There have been a number of games that I have been talked into trying by friends with very little actually happen after the initial purchase. This is another of those purchases, at least at the moment. My old guard chique took a momentary knock when I talked to staff in the shop but I got over it. It wasn't as bad as they day I went into workshop to buy some paint to find that I owned acrylic paint that was older than all of the staff. Even though the game looked a little bit poop I embraced it. I was almost giddy. This time though I thought I'd be clever and I'll buy some figures that I can use for something else even if they did look a little bit anime.
I really think this figure is fantastic. I have a thing for winter role playing so the icy themed Rasputina Malifaux mixed set seemed like a good idea. I got some other stuff for this force and other packs too (one that is still in the same spot it landed four months ago unopened but it was very cheap on eBay) but that hasn't been started let alone finished yet. I liked the Ice Golem so I thought I's put this up first not really Malifaux offering.
He is now officially a fantasy monster. I see a use for him in Skyrim and have a idea for a combat involving him and his buddies. Giant frost atonarch?
I really think this figure is fantastic. I have a thing for winter role playing so the icy themed Rasputina Malifaux mixed set seemed like a good idea. I got some other stuff for this force and other packs too (one that is still in the same spot it landed four months ago unopened but it was very cheap on eBay) but that hasn't been started let alone finished yet. I liked the Ice Golem so I thought I's put this up first not really Malifaux offering.
He is now officially a fantasy monster. I see a use for him in Skyrim and have a idea for a combat involving him and his buddies. Giant frost atonarch?
Savage Worlds,
Wyrd Games
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Another Evil Mage
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Must be the bad guy |
This figure is one I got from eBay. Again I am not sure where he came from originally but it struck me as a nice for for the game. I think he strikes me as a necromancer so now I need some muscle. I think I want skeletons, lots of skeletons.
eBay Purchase,
Gripping Beast,
Not 15mm,
Savage Worlds,
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Zomtober Part 2 - A Week Later And A Penny Short
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Bloater |
It's a little shiny. The ink is still literally yet and the figure could probably use some anti-shine varnish before it hits the table.
For those of you that are intersted it's from Tengu Models. A fairly small scale manufacturer but one that does some very nice products. I have some of their Grey aliens and this one of their zombie Greys is going to be my next project.
Not 15mm,
Post Apocalypse,
Tengu Models,
Meddling Monks
This is just a quick one. These are some armed monks. Trust me the one on the right is armed and he's got a sword belt. These are from Griping Beast. I wanted some monks because Vikings seem to like killing monks. Christians seem to be a good target.
The one on the right has the look of Ian Paisley or possibly any modern cleric who likes the sound of his own voice.
The one on the right has the look of Ian Paisley or possibly any modern cleric who likes the sound of his own voice.
Gripping Beast,
Not 15mm,
Savage Worlds,
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Bards - Hurrumpf
Whenever I think of Bards in RPG games I am drawn to a mental image of a design meeting in TSR. I see in my mind that there was an argument about new character classes and that for some reason they wanted a set number and were struggling for a final class. The argument about including monks had gone on for hours. I mean it's a largely western setting why not have the odd shaolin style monk drop in, I mean look how popular the TV series Kung Fu is.
After this vicious debate people had lost the will to fight so the bard character class got in. I suspect there was a similar meeting about character races where the team got bored and decided that they would let gnomes in. Something along the lines of Tunnels and Troll has faeries and leprechauns so why not. I see and "oh well what the hell, it's time for my coffee break" moment happening for both. The next thing I think about bards is that scene from "The gamers:
Dorkness Rising" where there is a huge pile of dead bards. The pile is
created from weak, stupid bards. The scene makes me feel kind of warm
inside. Suffering bards are cool.
You may have got the idea by now that I don't like the character class. Sadly I am running a Viking themed game so bards really are part of the background so I kind of feel a duty to use them. So I got some from Gripping Beast. I am now ever less impressed as the one with the blue tabard looks like one of my PE teachers. They all seem to have a larp feel to them.
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Why harps? |
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Bard with attitude |
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Not a PE teacher |
Gripping Beast,
Not 15mm,
Savage Worlds,
Monday, 14 October 2013
Evil Magic User
A really quick post today as I have a lot to do, not least of which is my Zomtober offering. It's an evil magic user. As I got him on eBay I am not sure who made him originally although if anyone knows it would be great to find out. I don't like the snake at all, it turned out much less vibrant that I was expecting. . It's okay but not my best work. I haven't figured out a role for him in the game yet but I am sure that will come but I sense something to do with zombies. Looking at it again I think he needs darker eyebrows. Believe it or not they are there but the same colour as his hair. They are noticeable by their absence.
eBay Purchase,
Not 15mm,
Savage Worlds,
Saturday, 12 October 2013
Magic Users - Dark Age Style

Life is still a bit too entertaining to pick up a paint brush but hopefully I will manage something for Zomtobter. I am really trying to get back into the swing of blogging and I hope you like it.
Gripping Beast,
Not 15mm,
Savage Worlds,
Friday, 11 October 2013
Busy Morning
I'm never sure about posting products from a certain company Nottingham way. these two statues have been sat on my desk since July and I have just found them under a pile of other stuff. They kind of fit the Skyrim middle age apocalypse vibe. This was a very easy paint job. the stone grey is actually just primer and the green is some cheap emulsion paint. A little bit of ink wash and some highlighting and here we are. Not the best piece of craftsmanship I have ever done but quick and easy.
Finally, the biting, whining, widdling and pooping puppy. I want to see if the picture has the same effect as kittens do on my other half.
I am feeling a bit more back in the grove even though I don't seem to be doing too much. Hopefully my enthusiasm will continue.
Gripping Beast,
Not 15mm,
Savage Worlds,
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Some Work In Progress
The first picture is a few more of the "ice zombie" warriors like the one I worked on over the weekend. I wasn't struck on the chill look from the dry brushing so I might try something else.
I have about forty Kobolds to pain. I managed to get some painted a while back. these are the pre slotta ones from GW. I loved these guys when they came out. I had two from way back in the eighties and managed to get a job lot of them about five years ago. Kobolds are always good roleplaying monsters. They might not be very tough but they are tricky and of course I have forty of them.
Lastly a magic user. This is very early in the process and it doesn't look very good at the moment. I have a few finished magic users so maybe I should have put them up first.
Gripping Beast,
Not 15mm,
Savage Worlds,
The Druids Are Coming
During my exile from the internet in the last few months I was still doing some painting and other bits and pieces. I started off with some sci-fi stuff but moved on to something more Norse/Arthurian/Dark Age.This is just a few of the things that I have been doing. These are some druids for the Skyrimesque thing I have planned. I've had them for a while but I am pretty sure they are Westwind figures. They were purchased as figures for an RPG. I wanted something that could give a game a more uniform theme. I mean by that the figures were all in the same sort of style and there were enough figures for a force rather than making up a force from two or three different types of figures.
I know that true white is probably not that historical (I had a conversation with someone) but I wanted something that looked a bit more like contemporary Wicca druids than true ancient druids. Certainly not the D+D style of druid. Just get them based properly and they'll look great.
I know that true white is probably not that historical (I had a conversation with someone) but I wanted something that looked a bit more like contemporary Wicca druids than true ancient druids. Certainly not the D+D style of druid. Just get them based properly and they'll look great.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
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Freebies are cool |
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Ice Warrior
No not the doctor who type. I am trying to keep the momentum going and this was another figure from Sunday as a test paint job. I'd almost finished but added a couple more touches. I mentioned the other day that I wanted something kind of undead for the upcoming Skyrimesque game I'm planning.
This pale blue warrior is set to be one of these. I am half tempted to may this the weekends offering for Zomtober. I might even get a few more. This is a cheap way of turning regular figures which I have a quite a few of into monsters. I have aquired a few too many guys blowing horns so I suspect there will be one of each in this group and my second offering on Sunday. thinking about it, I did some figures not unlike this recently for Malifaux (which never took off). I am planning to maybe turn some into something that look more like statues. I will have to find some more weapons so that I can make them look the part.
I have some Workshop Lord of the Rings figures to come. I have some dismounted Riders of Rohan which I have planned for Skyrimesque town guards and some of their ghostly warriors. I sense a few more test paints in the near future.
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Ice Warrior |
I have some Workshop Lord of the Rings figures to come. I have some dismounted Riders of Rohan which I have planned for Skyrimesque town guards and some of their ghostly warriors. I sense a few more test paints in the near future.
Gripping Beast,
Savage Worlds,
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