Monday, 17 September 2012

Got A Little Distracted

I spent most of the day yesterday working on zombies. A bit of a labour of love but still not finished. I have taken some pics which will get posted in the next few days. I was browsing at the pics I have taken already and I found a few I hadn't posted. I was working on Traveller stuff a while back and didn't get round to posting these.
I love this old stuff. It was the old GW traveller minis that first got me thinking about 15mm gaming. When Rafm got the rights to make them I was made up. I probably have more figures in vac suits than I need (about 30) but I am sure that they will get used. I will have to work them into a scenario. 
Back to the zombies.....


  1. Hey I posted these earlier on my blog. You stalking me> I'm a red head, so be warned. :-)

  2. Not a stalker but know what you can do with an airsoft gun so defo no stalking :-)
