- Favourite Wargaming period and why?It's probably been World War 2 over the years. I guess I would have preferred it to be SF or zombies.
- Next period, money no object?I am feeling 7TV at the moment.
- Favourite 5 films?Star WarsAlienAliensDawn of the DeadThe Maltese Falcon
Red DwarfSpacedThe W alking DeadSupernaturalThe ShieldWith Band of Brothers, The Big Bang Theory, Firefly, Boomtown and Lost getting an honourable mention.
- Favourite book and author?
The Postman by David Brin. The book not the film. The books is a good read and is all about taking responsibility. I don't recommend stuff like books likely but this book had a massive effect on me when I read it. From a recommendation from White Dwarf back in the days when it did book reviews.
- Greatest General? Can’t count yourself!!Wellington. For doing the best with what he had.
- Favourite Wargames rules?At the moment it's all Ambush Alley
Widnes Vikings. It's a Rugby League team. If you don't know what that is you should really find out. I was never really sure why they are call Vikings but Vikings are pretty cool. It's got something to do with Widnes being the town of my birth.
- If you had a only use once time machine, when and where would you go?26th October 2009. If I knew then what I know now.
- Last meal on Death Row?Dodo eggs on toast. Not being executed until I've had my eggs.
- Fantasy relationship and why?
Censored.Ow, ow ow, Stop hitting me. Errrr, I'm in my fantasy relationship
- If your life were a movie, who would play you?Sam Worthington. The likeness is uncanny.
- Favourite Comic Superhero?Batman. Who cannot like the Dark Knight? (I exclude Batman and Robin film of course, obviously)
- Favourite Military quote?
interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
- Historical destination to visit?The Inca Trail
- Biggest Wargaming regret?Not finding some people to game with who share my areas of interests.
- Favourite Fantasy job?Nothing. I could enjoy my life doing some hobby stuff and a bit of travelling
- Favourite Song Top 5?
is a Long Time – Bob Dylan
Got You High – Mumm Ra
To Handle – Otis Redding
Comes The Sun – The Beatles
Another Girl Another Planet - The Only Ones
There really are too many to mention but these will do for now.
Another Girl Another Planet - The Only Ones
There really are too many to mention but these will do for now.
- Favourite Wargaming Moment?Coming third in the Command Decision world championships. It was a small competition.
- The miserable Git question, what upsets you?You know who you are. There are so many things that this list would take three or four days to write.

Video game
X-Com/Fallout series. I couldn't really decide.