Lead Reckoning
An RPG, wargames and painting blog (with added stream of consciousness)
Sunday, 23 March 2025
End Of The Week Barely (33)
Saturday, 22 March 2025
Hard Week Coming To An End
Monday, 17 March 2025
Start Of The Week - Sludge Cavalry And Heavy Weapons
End of the Week (23)
Thursday, 13 March 2025
Carry On Regardless
I am still struggling through. I am finding not being able to watch TV in my usual way is somewhat off putting. Eventually I managed to sit down but it is oddly affecting my flow. I am also used to falling asleep as I watch YouTube. I would not have thought the absence of Google would have affected my life as much as I did. This should probably worry me.
Progress is not as fast as I would have liked but it is happening. I should get some more done tomorrow and I have Sunday late afternoon and evening to finish off. S I am pretty confident that I will finish by close of play n Sunday. Assuming I don't get sidetracked into my fourth playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077.
This is my thirtieth post for 2025 putting me at about the same number as I have managed in the last three years. It does feel a little like Blogger is dying and that I am falling in love with something that is past its prime again. A bit like most of my relationships and everything I am painting for Sludge. The story of my life.Tuesday, 11 March 2025
Fecking Chromecast
A good chunk of my house and life is tied up with the internet. Its how I listen to music, watch TV, not to mention this blog. Over time I have become welded to Google. This was not something I wanted t do. If anything it is something I raged against for some time. Bit by bit I have been drawn in. Now my lifestyle depends, to some degree to Google.
When I paint, or do design stuff, write, as well as just surfing the net, Google is at the heart of it. The room in which I paint has a TV which, through the magic of Google, I can watch TV and YouTube through a Chromecast. But not today. Or yesterday and probably not tomorrow. The wise ones online tell me they have deliberately bricked it. It was just a mistake, A worldwide mistake. In and of itself it doesn't matter that much. What it tells me is that this could have been something else. I am not talking Y2K, This is something that demonstrates that random stuff by one of the biggest companies in the world can just go wrong. Modern technology eh?
So I haven't done that much over the last couple of days. In spite of this I did manage to transfer some ink to usable bottles. I like this stuff but using in from the pot is hard work. I resent paying for the plastic bottles but I guess these were cheap.
At the weekend I went to a car boot and got some more minis, Probably not the best deal ever but I haven't spent any money on myself for since York. Some syuff for the Viking / Northmen game (Normans count right?) and some stuff that is prebuilt, half painted and perfect for Sludge. The Normans are for another time but the rest of it, about twenty minis will get done pretty quickly. I have yet to make my mind up if this counts as a purchase as I don't usually include anything that is second hand and brought for well below market price.
The real highpoint of the day was seeing my daughter. It's odd but everything seems to revolve around her. She makes me smile.